第77期 – 基層醫療 人人儲健康

「預防勝於治療」這句道理大家耳熟能詳,亦明白其重要性,但實際上如何做才好?若已患病,我們又可如何做好疾病管理,不至令病情持續惡化?這些問題的答案,就是基層醫療的重點。發展基層醫療除了有賴醫療專業界別,社會服務機構在推動健康行為及社區教育上都擔當重要角色。今期《社情》與你探討社會服務如何為社區「治未病、儲健康」。 精彩內容包括: 甚麼是基層醫療? 親子運動班助養成健康習慣 醫社合作促進社群健康 南昌220「我們的住屋日記」展覽 樂齡科技博覽暨高峰會 照顧者月 公益金自動腹膜透析機免費借用計劃 關於《社情》 《社情》是香港社會服務聯會的季刊雜誌,旨在促進公眾了解社會時事及政策分析。印量為三萬本,隨經濟日報附送派發。 ...

The 75th Annual General Meeting and Election of the Executive Committee (2022-2024) and Standing Committees (2022-2023)

The 75th Annual General Meeting (AGM) and election of members of the Executive Committee (2022-2024) and Standing Committees (2022-2023) of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service will be held on November 25, 2022 (Friday) at the Auditorium, 1/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. The program of the event is listed below: PM PROGRAMME 2:00 Registration of Official Representatives of Agency Members / Life Members and ballot collection (Ballots will not be issued starting from 3:25 pm) 2:30 Commencement of AGM and voting of election of the Executive Committee and Standing Committees (Polling stations close at 3:35 pm) 3:00 AGM Business Meeting 3:30 Keynote Speech by Officiating Guest: Miss Charmaine Lee, JP, Director of Social Welfare 4:20 “2021 Best Practice Awards in Social Welfare” Award Presentation Ceremony Guest: Miss Charmaine Lee, JP, Director of Social Welfare 4:55 Announcement of Election Results of Executive Committee and Standing Committees 5:00 End (Please refer to the following information and the appendices for details of the programme.)  75th Annual General Meeting  Enclosed please find the agenda of the 75th AGM (Appendix 1) and minutes of the 74th AGM (Appendix 2). In case you are unable to attend ...


簡介 疫情持續,經濟民生都受到嚴重打擊,社會服務同工仍然盡心盡力在社區作出不同的支援,在疫情下發揮重大社會效益。 為了促進業界透過經驗分享互相學習及交流,HKCSS Institute將會舉辦一系列的「卓越實踐在社福」分享會。首個分享會邀請到2021年度「卓越實踐在社福」獎勵計劃中獲得主題獎(「疫情下的社會服務」)的三個得獎計劃作分享嘉賓,與業界分享機構在疫情下如何因時制宜、以創新思維回應各種新問題及社會需要,並透過其經驗總結與業界一同探討創造有利未來社會服務發展的條件。三個得獎計劃在疫情下分別為清潔工、跨境學童以及聽障人士提供適切的支援,並善用社區資源,增強他們的疫下抗逆力。 詳細資料 課程編號 : BPA2021-01 日期 : 18 Nov 2022 (Fri) 時間 : 1500 - 1700 (2 小時) 地點 : 香港灣仔軒尼詩道15號溫莎公爵社會服務大廈 對象 : 有興趣了解或参與社會服務發展及策劃的同工及其他持份者 名額 : 50 語言 : 粵語(以英語輔助) 費用 : 免費 按此報名 如有查詢,請致電2864 2944 或電郵至 [email protected] 。 ...

Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund) Briefing Session

Do you have any innovative ideas that address the problems of poverty and social exclusion in Hong Kong? Are you looking for funding and other kinds of support to commercialise, start, grow or scale your social project?  An intermediary of the Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund), Impact Incubator of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service cordially invites all current and potential social innovators and social entrepreneurs to join our next Impact Incubator briefing session. At the session, our team will briefly introduce our new Impact Incubator, key programme features and answer any questions you may have on applying for SIE Fund grant funding, through the Impact Incubator. Representative from “Ethnic Minority Youth KOL Programme”, a SIE Fund approved project, will also share their story of innovation and experience of their funding application.  SIE Fund was established by the Commission on Poverty in 2012 to stimulate cross-sector collaboration, sharing learning and experience, guiding resources to groom and coach entrepreneurs, incubating and implementing new ideas, with the expectation that some of these will lead to new, sustainable businesses that help tackle poverty and social exclusion in the community.  Content of the SIE Fund Briefing Session   Introduction of the funding  Application procedures  All-round incubation support  What is ...

Invitation for joining Nam Cheong 220 Exhibition- “Our Housing Diary”

Nam Cheong 220 is the first project which has adopted Modular Integrated Construction method to build transitional social housing in Hong Kong, with the site provided by Henderson Land Group.  Since then, with the support of the Government, more and more transitional social housings have been gradually completed and spread over Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territories.  Nam Cheong 220 as a pilot project, has also found that social housing can enhance the mutual help supports to the neighborhood, connect the larger Sham Shui Po community and assist in the redistribution of community resources.  From 22 October, 2022, “Nam Cheong 220” will be transformed into “Our Housing Diary”.  It records the living condition of the grassroots in social housing and subdivided housing, displays the learnings, insights and impacts from the first social housing - Nam Cheong 220, and invites readers to write down their housing stories in Hong Kong and continue to explore different way out together. Exhibition Period: 22/10/2022 – 31/10/2022 Opening hours: 10:00am – 6:00pm Exhibition Venue: Nos.202-220, Nam Cheong Street, Sham Shui Po Entrance fee: Free of charge *The exhibition is free of charge. You are invited to register the public guided tour and human library: 1. Human ...
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