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Crisis Management 2.0: Establishing a Flexible Response Framework

In light of the constantly evolving social landscape, the governing bodies of NGOs require a robust and established mechanism to effectively address sudden and unexpected situations as well as crises in a timely manner. Following the positive reception of our previous event, the Council invites Dr. Li Chan Wing, a media veteran, to revisit the "MNOPQR" crisis management checklist and explore the practical application of the 5Ws1H technique. Additionally, he will conduct a thorough analysis of noteworthy cases, providing valuable insights into the latest trends and strategies in crisis management. Furthermore, Dr. Li will introduce two advanced crisis management approaches, namely CCIC (Command, Control, Intelligence, Communication) and MRRPP (Mitigate, Recover, Respond, Prevent, Prepare). These methods will assist NGOs in responding to a myriad of challenges with increased flexibility and a multi-dimensional perspective. Highlights of the Seminar: - Key principles of crisis management - Analysis of prominent cases and underlying issues ...

Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit GIES 2024 – Join Us Now!

Co-organised by The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, the 8 th annual Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit (GIES) will take place from 21-24 November 2024 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. GIES strives to enhance public awareness and education about gerontechnology by introducing local and overseas innovative gerontech products and services. The 8 th Expo will continue to feature thematic exhibition booths, forums and workshops, showcasing the latest innovations and ideas for better living and health of service users and caregivers, as well as providing visitors with a first-hand experience of gerontech products and services, and an interactive platform for various stakeholders to engage in dialogue and collaboration for the broader adoption of Gerontech. We cordially invite members to join us at this largest gerontech public education event in Hong Kong. The details of participation are stated ...

July 2024 – Research Brief: “Current Situation and Challenges of Hong Kong Elderly in the Greater Bay Area Community Aging: Qualitative Research Report”

In order to get the practitioners of the sector informed of the Council’s latest research findings and recommendations, the Council has endeavored to publish Research Brief from time to time. A new Research Brief has just been published, introducing the "Current Situation and Challenges of Hong Kong Elderly in the Greater Bay Area Community Aging: Qualitative Research Report" This report primarily aims to explore the current situation of community-based retirement in the Greater Bay Area community for the Hong Kong Elderly. It summarizes how the Hong Kong elderly consider retirement options in the Greater Bay Area. It also identifies the related policies and service support required to provide various retirement options for the Hong Kong elderly so that their quality of life could be enhanced. You may access the Research Brief: "Current Situation and Challenges of Hong Kong Elderly in the Greater Bay Area Community Aging: Qualitative Research Report" by ...

紓緩及晚期照顧服務資訊 – 第七期:台灣的預立醫療照護諮商

香港面對人口老化,末期疾病患者持續增加,近年紓緩及晚期照顧服務愈見重要。為了維護病人的自主權及提高臨終病人的生活質素,政府將會在今年就預設醫療指示及病人在居處離世落實立法建議。為協助業界認識相關議題及其對服務發展帶來的影響,本會出版「紓緩及晚期照顧服務資訊」,從不同角度及層面討論相關的議題。 「紓緩及晚期照顧服務資訊」第七期主題為「台灣的預立醫療照護諮商」(請參閱附件),介紹了台灣的預立醫療照護諮商。透過了解其發展背景、各持份者的角色、政策的成效、以及其中面對的挑戰及限制等等,我們總結了一些觀察重點。 如對是次資訊有任何查詢或意見,請與本會政策研究及倡議程序幹事莊小姐(電話:2876 2445;電郵:[email protected])或主任關先生(電話:2876 2435;電郵:[email protected])聯絡,謝謝! 附件: 紓緩及晚期照顧服務資訊第七期:台灣的預立醫療照護諮商 ...

Project Management with Agile Practices

Introduction In today's rapidly changing and uncertain environment, effective resource and time management is essential for social welfare organizations. Managerial staff and project manager need to not only master traditional project management skills but also enhance project management by adopting agile practices. This entails improving their ability to anticipate problems, systematically consider different project areas, and effectively execute and complete projects. This workshop introduces proven project management framework and techniques together with latest agile project management mindset and practices to improve project effectiveness and efficiency. Objective Understand proven project management framework and best practices, and agile mindset and practices Acquire practical skills to improve project effectiveness and efficiency Enquiries: 2876 2470 or [email protected] ...
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