Press Releases
推動社區「照護食」讓吞嚥困難人士重拾食趣 「區區有啖好食」照護食社區教育活動 【新聞稿2024年9月7日】香港社會服務聯會(社聯)於9月7日 (星期六) 舉行「照護食。社區日之『區區有啖好食』 」,聯同參展夥伴,全方位向公眾介紹各式緩解吞嚥困難的飲食方案,同時舉行「區區有啖好食」啟動禮、與企業伙伴對談、及照護食產品試食活動。社會福利署助理署長(安老服務)甄麗明女士、立法會議員(社會福利界)狄志遠博士及立法會議員(醫療衛生界)林哲玄醫生出席啟動禮擔任主禮嘉賓。 社聯業務總監譚穎茜博士:「社聯自2017年開始推動照護食發展,近年漸具規模,愈來愈多院舍及商界開始採用《照護食標準指引》。今年,我們繼續透過跨界別合作,以社區為基礎,『落區』推廣照護食,同時推動吞嚥友善食肆,讓市民可以『堂食』或購買照護食。此外,『照護食•啖啖快活食』創新研究計劃亦以更靈活和開放的方式,共建具社會效益的照護食生態系統。」 社會福利署助理署長(安老服務)甄麗明女士:「政府注資樂齡及康復創科應用基金,資助合資格的安老及康復服務單位購置、租借和試用科技產品,包括製作軟餐的科技產品,以改善服務使用者的生活質素,並減輕護理人員及照顧者的負擔和壓力。有賴社會各界一起推動,希望社會上可提供更多照護食選擇,令吞嚥困難人士可以過有質素的生活。」 今日的社區日活動不單能夠提升公眾對照護食的認識,公眾亦能試食多種照護食產品,包括鮮茄豬扒飯、咖喱雞飯、增稠奶茶、果茸,以及應節食品 - 迷你低糖蛋黃蓮蓉月餅。 「照護食種子餐廳」計劃旨在跟餐飲業夥伴合作,於社區推動吞嚥友善餐廳,讓吞嚥困難人士於不同地區餐廳享用照護食餐膳,重拾進食樂趣,亦可與親朋好友共度同枱食飯的美好時光。同時,由營養師、言語治療等組成的專業團隊提供培訓及顧問服務,助飲食業推動社區照護食。第一階段已有四間不同類型的食肆參與,包括:鏞記酒家、一葉小廚、ASAP As Simple As Possible、iBakery愛烘焙餐廳。 「照護食‧啖啖快活食」計劃則為香港大學吞嚥研究所進行的研究計劃,由香港交易所慈善基金撥款支持。社聯及大快活集團獲港大吞嚥研究所邀請,以協作身份參與是次計劃。計劃招募吞嚥困難人士享用照護食友善餐膳,記錄相關數據,以研究吞嚥困難人士進食餐膳的前後感受和分別,而言語治療師亦會為快餐店前線同事提供培訓及顧問服務。 除了今日「照護食•社區日」,由10月至12月還有連串社區推廣教育活動,敬請留意照護食網站最新消息 10月18日:照護食講座及互動展覽(伊利沙伯醫院) 11月21至24日:樂齡科技博覽暨高峰會2024 照護食廣場(會議展覽中心展覽廳1A-C) 11月下旬至12月上旬:「食得喜」社區巡禮照護食專題展覽(荔枝角公共圖書館、保安道公共圖書館、深水埗公共圖書館) 12月12日:世界吞嚥日嘉年華 鳴謝: 照護食計劃策略夥伴及贊助:嘉里集團、擇善基金會 「照護食•社區日」場地贊助:領展房地產投資信託基金 下載相片及新聞稿 傳媒查詢: 區可如小姐 香港社會服務聯會 企業傳訊主任 電話:(852) 2876 2469 Email:[email protected] ...
Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) Marks Its Debut at the 8th China (Guangzhou) International Elderly Health Industry Expo: Pioneering Gerontechnology and Unlocking Silver Economy Potential in the Greater Bay Area
Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) Marks Its Debut at the 8th China (Guangzhou) International Elderly Health Industry Expo: Pioneering Gerontechnology and Unlocking Silver Economy Potential in the Greater Bay Area [Press Release – Hong Kong, August 23, 2024] The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) is pleased to announce its inaugural participation in the 8th China (Guangzhou) International Elderly Health Industry Expo (EldExpo) from August 23 to 25 at the Canton Fair Complex in Guangzhou. This strategic engagement underscores HKCSS's commitment to addressing the challenge of ageing population and advancing elderly care solutions through innovation and technology. Under the auspices of the Civil Affairs Bureau of Guangzhou Municipality and various industry stakeholders, this event serves as a premier platform for dialogue and collaboration. HKCSS's participation, featuring a dedicated "Hong Kong Zone" highlights the collective efforts of local innovation and technology enterprises and showcases the robust growth of Hong Kong's gerontechnology ecosystem. Mr. Chua Hoi Wai, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, remarked, "Our participation in this distinguished expo not only enhances our ...
JPMorganChase’s PathBuilders Program helps 400 students from vocational and community colleges for the transition from school to the workforce
JPMorganChase's PathBuilders Program helps 400 students from vocational and community colleges for the transition from school to the workforce Hong Kong, August 6, 2024 – JPMorganChase, which is celebrating 100 years in Hong Kong, today announced a USD 1 million donation for its newly launched PathBuilders Program. The initiative, in partnership with the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS), will support over 400 undergraduate students in vocational and community colleges as they transition from school to the workforce. The funding will be shared among three non-profit organizations based in Hong Kong – A Plastic Ocean Foundation, WISE, and Big Education Platform – all of which are committed to improving employment outcomes for the youth. As part of the program, JPMorganChase, will also offer 14 students a two-week workplace experience opportunity at its offices. “JPMorganChase is committed to helping young people gain the skills and experience they need to access better career opportunities, regardless of their background. Ensuring that everyone has access to the support and training they need is critical for a more equitable future,” said Cedric Cheung, Head ...
【新聞稿2024年5月14日】《社會工作者註冊條例》於1997年通過,負責監察社會工作者(社工)的質素和操守,以加強市民對社會服務及社工的信心。香港社會服務聯會支持政府按需要及程序修改《社會工作者註冊條例》,在監管社工服務質素及操守、保障服務使用者的同時,促進社工專業發展及维持專業自主。 傳媒查詢: 社聯企業傳訊部 Tel:2876 2474 Email:[email protected] ...
Promoting Hong Kong as a Regional Philanthropic Hub through Co-Creation
Promoting Hong Kong as a Regional Philanthropic Hub through Co-Creation "Emerging Trends in Asian Philanthropy and Impact Investment: Opportunities and Challenges" [Press Release - May 3, 2024] Hong Kong is renowned for its rich history of philanthropy and caring culture. It is widely recognized as one of the most vibrant and promising cities in the field of philanthropy and charity services. The HKSAR government actively leverages Hong Kong's unique advantages in philanthropy, asset management, and its role as a bridge between China and the world to promote Hong Kong as a regional philanthropic hub. The goal is to cultivate talent, attract philanthropic capital, and facilitate cross-sector collaboration through a collective platform. The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) and the Hong Kong Financial Services Development Council (FSDC) jointly organized the policy dialogue and panel discussion on "Emerging Trends in Asian Philanthropy and Impact Investment: Opportunities and Challenges" at the "S+ Summit and Expo". Stakeholders engaged in discussions on the vision in positioning Hong Kong as a regional philanthropic hub, cultivating thought leadership, integrating innovation and technology in building ...