The HKEX Foundation donates an extra HKD 2 million to support 20 HKCSS agency members

The HKEX Foundation donates an extra HKD 2 million to support 20 HKCSS agency members who are not receiving recurrent subventions from the Hong Kong government. The relief fund aims to provide financial support to organisations who are adversely affected by the current economic and social situation due to COVID-19, so that they can continue their services for children, elderly, people with disabilities, families and more. Each selected organization will receive HKD100,000 for the services in the coming three to four months. The 20 selected agency members: Name of Organization 機構名稱 Association of Women with Disabilities Hong Kong 香港女障協進會 Autism Partnership Foundation Limited 愛培自閉症基金有限公司 Charles K. Kao Foundation for Alzheimer's Disease Limited 高錕慈善基金有限公司 Children's Cancer Foundation 兒童癌病基金 Concord Mutual-Aid Club Alliance 康和互助社聯會 Everbright Concern Action Limited 樂天關懷行動有限公司 Families of SMA Charitable Trust 脊髓肌肉萎縮症慈善基金 Healthy Hong Kong Limited 快樂港仁有限公司 The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society 香港防癌會 Hong Kong Community Network Limited 香港社區網絡有限公司 Hong Kong Network for the Promotion of Inclusive Society Limited 香港傷健共融網絡有限公司 J Life Foundation Limited 啓愛共融基金有限公司 LCH Charitable Foundation Limited 利駿行慈善基金有限公司 Louis Program Training Centre Company Limited 努力試課程訓練中心有限公司 Maggie Keswick Jencks Cancer Caring Centre Foundation Limited 美琪凱瑟克癌症關顧中心基金有限公司 The Samaritans - 24 Hour Multilingual Suicide Prevention Services 撒瑪利亞會 - 24小時中文及多種語言防止自殺服務 Social ...

Election of Members of the Specialized Committees (2020-2022)

I am pleased to announce that the Annual General Meeting 2020 will be held in the afternoon of November 6, 2020 at the Auditorium, 1/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. We shall be grateful if you join us in this important event, the details of which will be provided in due course. In connection with the AGM, the election of the Council’s governance for the term 2020-22 has now commenced. Please note that: The election of the Executive Committee and the Standing Committees shall take place at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) ; The election of the Specialized Committees shall be conducted by postal ballot in September (The election of the Specialized Committee on Rehabilitation Service will jointly be held with the election of the Management Committee of The Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities at its AGM in November 2020.) To further enhance the work of the Core Business on Policy Research and Advocacy, its governance will be restructured. The Specialized Committee on Social Development and Specialized Committee on Social Security and Employment Policy will be dissolved after the Annual General Meeting 2021. A few task forces would be formed afterwards ...

HKEX Foundation donates HKD 3 million to selected non-subvented HKCSS agency members

      The HKEX Foundation donates HKD 3 million to 30 agency members of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS), who are not receiving recurrent subventions from the Hong Kong government. The relief fund aims to provide financial support to organisations who are adversely affected by the current economic and social situation due to COVID-19, in order to continue their services for children, elderly, people with disabilities, families and more. Each selected organisation will receive HKD 100,000 for the services in the coming three to four months. The 30 selected agency members include: Name of Organization 機構名稱 Hong Kong Association of the Deaf 香港聾人協進會 Feeding Hong Kong Limited 樂餉社有限公司 AIDS Concern Foundation Limited 關懷愛滋基金有限公司 Caring for Children Foundation Limited 福幼基金會有限公司 Apostolic Faith Church of Hong Kong Limited 香港基督教使徒信心會有限公司 1st Step Association Limited 自強協會有限公司 Alliance for Renal Patients Mutual Help Association 腎友聯 Hong Kong Guide Dogs Association Limited 香港導盲犬協會有限公司 Chain of Charity Movement 愛德循環運動 Foodlink Foundation Limited 膳心連基金有限公司 Mission to New Arrivals Limited 新福事工協會有限公司 Hong Kong Alliance for Rare Diseases 香港罕見疾病聯盟 Community Drug Advisory Council 社區藥物教育輔導會 Changing Young Lives Foundation 成長希望基金會 Rehabaid Society 復康資源協會 CareER Association Limited CareER Association Limited Suicide Prevention Services Limited 生命熱線有限公司 InspiringHK Sports Foundation ...

Result of the Election of Specialized Committees for the Term of 2019-2021

The vote counting of the Election of Specialized Committees for the term of 2019-2021 was completed on September 18, 2019.  The result of the Election is as follows.  Specialized Committee on Social Security & Employment Policy 2019-2021 Elected Members Mr CHU Sai Ming, Thomas New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association Ms TSANG Yuen Kei, Viola Hong Kong Christian Service Dr WONG Kwai Yau The Boys' and Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong   Specialized Committee on Social Development 2019-2021 Elected Members Mr CHEUNG Muk Yan, Mike Hong Kong Christian Service Mr LAU Chung, Billie Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong Ms LEUNG Siu Ling, Ivy Christian Family Service Centre Specialized Committee on Family and Community Service 2019-2021 Elected Members  Ms CHENG Miu Nar The Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers Mrs CHIU Angela The Hong Kong Catholic Marriage Advisory Council Ms LAM Yee Mui The Boys' and Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong Ms LAM Yee Wan, Eliza Caritas - Hong Kong Ms LIU Iris International Social Service Hong Kong Branch Mr MA Chak Shun, Tom The Salvation Army Mr WONG Chiu Man, Raymond St. James' Settlement Ms WONG Pui Yin, Wendy Yang Memorial Methodist Social ...

Election of the Executive Committee and Standing Committees (2019-2021)

The 72nd Annual General Meeting (the AGM) and election of members of the Executive Committee and Standing Committees (2019-2021) will be held on November 8, 2019 (Friday) at the Auditorium, 1/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Besides, the Executive Committee will convene an Extraordinary General Meeting (the EGM) on the same day at 2:30pm, to consider and endorse the amendments to the Constitution of HKCSS.  The AGM will be held immediately after the EGM at 3:15 pm. Details of which will be announced in early October. Nominations for the election of the following seats in the Executive Committee and Standing Committees are now invited: 8 members of the Executive Committee for serving a term of 2 years (2019-21); and  5 members of each of the four Standing Committees - Standing Committee on Service Development, Standing Committee on Policy Research and Advocacy, Standing Committee on Sector and Capacity Development and Standing Committee on Public Engagement and Partnership, serving a term of 2 years (2019-21).  According to the Constitution of the Council, every official representative of Agency Members and Life Member shall have the right to nominate eligible persons for the above elections[Note].  A nomination form, which can be duplicated ...
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