
Election of the Executive Committee (2022-2024) and Standing Committee (2022-2023)

The 75th Annual General Meeting (the AGM) and election of members of the Executive Committee (2022-2024) and Standing Committees (2022-2023) will be held on November 25, 2022 (Friday) at the Auditorium, 1/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong, detailed arrangements will be announced in mid-October. Nominations for the election of the following seats in the Executive Committee and Standing Committees are now invited: 9 members of the Executive Committee for serving a term of 2 years (2022-24) [Note 1]; and 5 members of each of the four Standing Committees - Standing Committee on Service Development, Standing Committee on Policy Research and Advocacy, Standing Committee on Sector and Capacity Development and Standing Committee on Public Engagement and Partnership, serving a term of 1 year (2022-23) [Note 2]; According to the Constitution of the Council, every official representative of Agency Members and Life Member shall have the right to nominate eligible persons for the above elections [Note 3]. A nomination form, which can be duplicated if necessary, is enclosed. Completed nomination forms should be sent to ...

List of Candidates of the Election of Specialized Committees (2022-2023 & 2022-2024)

Further to the Council's memo on the Election of Specialized Committees (2022-2023 & 2022-2024) dated August 12, 2022, please be informed that the Election will be conducted through postal ballots. In this regard, I am pleased to enclose herewith the ballots for your action. Please scan the following QR Code which contains the List of Candidates for your reference. List of Candidates of the Election of Specialized Committees (2022-2023 & 2022-2024)  (With brief self-introductions provided by candidates and short accounts on their involvements in the sector of social welfare) Specialized Committee on Sector Finance Specialized Committee on Family and Community Service Specialized Committee on Children and Youth Service Specialized Committee on Elderly Service Ballots for the Election of Specialized Committees (2022-2023 & 2022-2024) Specialized Committee on Sector Finance         (Only Official Representatives of Agency Members are eligible to vote in the above Committee.) Specialized Committee on Family and Community Service Specialized Committee on Children and Youth Service Specialized Committee on Elderly Service         (Only Official Representatives of Agency Members that have direct involvement in respective services are eligible to vote ...

Nomination for Election of Members of the Specialized Committees (2022-2023 & 2022-2024)

I am pleased to announce that our Annual General Meeting 2022 will be held in the afternoon of November 25, 2022 at the Auditorium, 1/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. We shall be grateful if you join us in this important event, the details of which will be provided in due course. In connection with the AGM, the election of the Council's governance for the term 2022-2023 and 2022-24 has now commenced. Please note that: The election of the Executive Committee and the Standing Committees shall take place at the Annual General Meeting (AGM); The election of the Specialized Committees shall be conducted by postal ballot in September 2022. The election of the Specialized Committee on Rehabilitation Service will jointly be held with the election of the Management Committee of The Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities at its AGM in November 2022; In line with the Council’s strategic development, issues related to sector finance will be handled by standing committee after the AGM 2023. The Specialized Committee on Sector Finance ...

The 74th Annual General Meeting and Election of the Executive Committee and Standing Committees (2021-2023)

The 74th Annual General Meeting (AGM) and election of members of the Executive Committee and Standing Committees (2021-2023) will be held on November 12, 2021 (Friday) at the Auditorium, 1/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. The program of the event is listed below: PM PROGRAMME 2:00 Registration of Official Representatives of Agency Members / Life Members (Ballots will not be issued from 3:35 pm and after) 2:30 Commencement of AGM for Voting of Election of the Executive and Standing Committee Members (Polling station closes at 3:45 pm) 3:00 AGM Business Meeting 3:35 Keynote Speech by Officiating Guest Professor Sophia Chan Siu-chee, JP, Secretary for Food and Health 4:05 Sharing by Two Generations of Athletes of Paralympic Games 4:45 Announcement of Election Results of Executive Committee and Standing Committees 4:55 End (Please refer to the following information and the appendices for details of the programme.)  74th Annual General Meeting  Enclosed please find the agenda of the AGM and minutes of the 73rd AGM (Appendix 1a & 1b). In case you are unable to attend ...

Election of the Executive Committee and Standing Committees (2021-2023)

The 74th Annual General Meeting (the AGM) and election of members of the Executive Committee and Standing Committees (2021-2023) will be held on November 12, 2021 (Friday) at the Auditorium, 1/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong, detailed arrangements will be announced in mid-October. Nominations for the election of the following seats in the Executive Committee and Standing Committees are now invited: 8 members of the Executive Committee for serving a term of 2 years (2021-23); and 5 members of each of the four Standing Committees - Standing Committee on Service Development, Standing Committee on Policy Research and Advocacy, Standing Committee on Sector and Capacity Development and Standing Committee on Public Engagement and Partnership, serving a term of 2 years (2021-23). According to the Constitution of the Council, every official representative of Agency Members and Life Member shall have the right to nominate eligible persons for the above elections [Note 1].  A nomination form, which can be duplicated if necessary, is enclosed. Completed nomination forms should be sent to the Election Committee of the ...
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