
香港社會服務聯會(社聯)自2021年起獲社創基金委聘,並夥拍9間機構組成合作聯盟,負責設計、建立及營運一個可容納各方參與的樂齡科技平台;旨在連結供求兩方不同的持分者,增強協同效應,從而推動科技的應用及發展。 我們其中一項重要工作,就是建構「樂齡科技應用測試基地」。就《樂齡科技 - 構築齡活社區》(2021)報告指出,「樂齡科技生態中最關鍵,但經常被忽視的部分,便是人才,包括提供福利或醫療服務的專業人員、產品開發人員,及初創公司的創業家」。 因此,我們需要積極回應人才及能力建設的缺口。 我們必須估量及凝聚有志發展樂齡科技的同工,成立社福界第一個「樂齡科技應用測試專員」小組,以加強社會服務應用科技的經驗交流,成就社、科合作的重要項目 ── 樂齡科技應用測試基地。   「樂齡科技應用測試專員」小組詳情 為期 2022年9月至2023年12月 對象 各安老服務機構可推薦1至2名服務單位同工參與,對象為發展樂齡科技應用的專業人員 或 單位管理人員,具以下範圍應用或測試樂齡科技產品、技術等經驗為佳 經驗範圍 日常生活活動 (Activities of Daily Living) — 陪伴機械人 (Companion Robot) 跌倒偵測及預防 (Fall Detection & Prevention) — 無線傳感床墊/ 床褥 (Wireless Bed Sensor / Mattress) 健康監測 (Health Monitoring) — 無線生命表徵檢測器 (Wireless Health Monitoring Equipment) 移動及扶抱 (Transfer and Lifting) 防感染控制 (Infection Control) 防遊走 (Anti-wandering) 通訊 (Communication) 照護食 (Care Food) 智能環境 (Smart Environment) 認知訓練 (Cognitive Training) 參與項目 與來自不同安老服務機構的小組成員一同參與最新本地及海外樂齡科技產品演示、技術知識、應用測試及評核產品等培訓; 建立人脈網絡,與技術方(例如產品供應商、初創公司、大學)直接交流,共同設計或改良即將進入本地市場等樂齡科技方案/產品; 試用初進入市場的樂齡科技方案/產品,評估及測試,分享經驗;以及, 引用及完善香港首個樂齡科技測試標準框架,為籌辦「樂齡科技應用測試基地」做準備。 參與方法 請填妥網上推薦表格 *樂齡科技平台將安排網上會面,以進行成員甄選。 截止日期 2022年9月19日 中午12時前 查詢 電話:3611 8311 或 電郵:[email protected]   最新活動消息 -   9月份 各推薦代表必須出席下列最少一項體驗活動,進一步了解樂齡科技應用測試,及作為小組成員甄選的考慮因素之一。 (一)智能環境 (Smart Environment) 產品演示工作坊: 日期:2022年9月21日(星期三) 時間:下午2時30分至5時正 地點:香港灣仔軒尼詩道15號溫莎公爵社會服務大廈一樓禮堂 (二)認知訓練 (Cognitive Training) 產品演示工作坊: 日期:2022年9月23日(星期五) 時間:下午2時至6時正 地點:香港灣仔軒尼詩道15號溫莎公爵社會服務大廈一樓禮堂 (三)照護食 (Care Food) 產品演示工作坊: 日期:2022年9月27日(星期二) 時間:上午10時至下午12時30分 地點:香港灣仔軒尼詩道15號溫莎公爵社會服務大廈一樓禮堂 多謝垂注! 附件:通告 ...

SE Directory 2022/23 – SE Figure

Social Enterprise Business Centre (SEBC) compiles the Social Enterprise Directory (SE Directory) every year. As of April of 2022, there were 711 social enterprise (SE) units, reflecting a 7.9% increase from the previous year. These SE units were run by 368 organisations. 147 (39.9%) of them are charitable organisation (i.e. exempt from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance), while 221 (60.1%) are not. Regarding SE industrial distribution of SE units*, the first three categories that account for the most in total are Education and Training (a total of 185 SE/ SE projects), Health Care and Fitness (a total of 177 SE/ SE projects) and Lifestyle (a total of 168 SE/ SE projects). Besides, there were 77 newly listed SE units. Their common operational obstacles* are ‘High rental cost’ (selected by 41 SE/SE projects), ‘High production cost’ and ‘Low public awareness’ (selected by 39 SE/SE projects respectively). They believe ‘Enhance public education’ (selected by 41 SE/SE projects), ‘Organisations and corporations adopt responsible procurement policy’ (selected by 38 SE/SE projects) and ‘Increase financing channels’ (selected by 36 SE/SE projects) are the most helpful measures* that can assist SEs. If you would like to know more about SE Directory 2022/23 - ...

2022 National Symposium on Drug Abuse Prevention and Control (November 17 & 18, 2022)

The “2022 National Symposium on Drug Abuse Prevention and Control” is organized by Chinese Association of Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment in collaboration with the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Social Welfare Bureau of Macau SAR Government and Young Men Christian Association Macau.  The objective of the Symposium is to facilitate the knowledge exchange of best practices of the service among the districts with the theme of “New Chances, New Challenges, New Future” in this year.  The organizer has already finished the invitation of related fellow workers of the field to submit paper, as well as to participate in verbal paper presentation and plenary sessions before. Due to the pandemic situation, the symposium has been rescheduled to November 17th & 18th.  The event will be held via ZOOM platform and the registration fee is free of charge.  The details are as below:  DATE    :    November 17 & 18, 2022 (Thursday & Friday) TIME    :    Please refer to official rundown in the Symposium webpage (Chinese only) OFFICIAL LANGUAGE    :    Putonghua Enclosed please find the Symposium Notice for your easy reference.  Interesting parties who would like to attend the symposium, please register online on or before 13 November.  For enquiries, please contact Mr Toby Yip, ...


    了解更多:課程通告 如有查詢,請致電2876 2470 / 2864 2905 或 [email protected]     ...

Say “kNOw” to Drug from a Legal Perspective (September 23, 2022)

“Self-consumption of illicit drugs is legal”, “There will be only slight legal consequence for young drug trafficker” … Although above messages are prevalent among drug abusers, they are just myths. Disseminating correct legal knowledge among the community is helping prevent people from falling into drug traps. Also, as helping professionals, we may also have chance to interact with clients who are abusing drugs. What are our responsibilities from the legal perspective? What are the reminders to support our clients with drug-related offences?  The council and Community Drug Advisory Council (社區藥物教育輔導會) co-organize a sharing session with sharing from experienced social worker and lawyers, aiming to equip social service practitioners, especially those from the Ethnic Minority community, with drug-related legal knowledge. Details are as follows: Objectives: To learn the basic knowledge on drug-related criminal liability and judicial procedures To dispel misunderstanding of drug abuse To know the legal lability when interacting with drug abusers Date: 23 September 2022 (Friday) Time: 2:30pm – 4:00pm Language: English Mode: Online Fee: Free of Charge Target: Ethnic minorities (Ethnically diverse social service practitioners are highly recommended) Our Speakers: Mr. Raymond N.H. Chan (Solicitor, Mayer Brown) Mr. Julian H. Y. Tam (Solicitor, Mayer Brown) Mr. Jason Huang ...
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