
(本年度名額已滿) 照顧者照顧家人不容易,一星期24/7的照顧工作會令照顧者身心俱疲。香港社會服務聯會(社聯)承蒙嘉里集團郭氏基金會贊助,推出「關照您:心理支援計劃」(計劃),為基層照顧者提供心理支援服務及個案跟進,以改善精神健康。 浸信會愛羣社會服務處及香港心理衞生會作為計劃的營運機構,負責處理申請及以個案管理模式支援和跟進個案。 計劃為每名成功申請人提供最高港幣7,000元資助額(額滿即止),以支付心理評估及相關治療費用。資助使用範圍包括但不限於: 臨床心理治療 輔導心理治療 精神科治療 教育心理治療 家庭治療 藝術治療 音樂治療 計劃服務對象為基層照顧者*,包括但不限於: 殘疾人士照顧者 年長身體機能衰退照顧者 有特殊學習需要學童照顧者 長期病患照顧者 精神病/情緒病患照顧者 *持有香港身份證並居住在香港的照顧者 計劃申請及查詢熱線 熱線電話 辦公時間 5729 1077 星期一至六: 上午9時至下午6時 計劃時期:2024年2月1日至2025年1月31日 (本年度名額已滿) ...

Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund) Briefing Session

Do you have any innovative ideas that address the problems of poverty and social exclusion in Hong Kong? Are you looking for funding and other kinds of support to commercialise, start, grow or scale your social project? An intermediary of the Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund), Impact Incubator of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service cordially invites all current and potential social innovators and social entrepreneurs to join our next Impact Incubator briefing session. At the session, our team will briefly introduce our new Impact Incubator, key programme features and answer any questions you may have on applying for SIE Fund grant funding through the Impact Incubator. Impact Incubator will continue to support projects at different stages, including Scale-up, Growing, and Start-up. We hope to support innovative projects in their continuous progress and "promote" them to a larger scale, creating broader and more far-reaching social impact! SIE Fund was established by the Commission on Poverty in 2012 to stimulate cross-sector collaboration, sharing learning and experience, guiding resources to groom and coach entrepreneurs, incubating and implementing new ideas, with the expectation that some of these will lead to new, sustainable businesses that help tackle poverty and social exclusion in the community ...

HKEX Impact Funding Scheme

HKEX Foundation has set up the HKEX Impact Funding Scheme (the Scheme) to support recognised Social Enterprises (SEs). The Scheme, in partnership with The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS), aims to support SEs which have a clear social mission, revenue model, and a proven track record, to develop impactful and sustainable projects based on four focus areas: Financial Literacy, Diversity and Inclusion, Poverty Relief and Environmental Sustainability, serving a wide spectrum of people in need in our community and addressing various social and environmental challenges. Application Details Date of Application The Scheme will accept online application from 3 July to 1 August 2024 at 5 p.m.  Eligibility Social Enterprises (SEs) that are: Listed on the Social Enterprise Directory (SED) managed by the HKCSS; or Accredited under the Social Enterprise Endorsement (SEE) Mark administered by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Social Enterprises (HKGCSE); or Previously or currently supported by the government’s SE funding schemes, such as The Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund);   Enhancing Self-Reliance Through District Partnership Programme (ESR); and Enhancing Employment of People with Disabilities through Small Enterprise Project (3E) Funding Amount The funding amount for each proposed project should range from HKD800,000 to HKD2,000,000. Duration of Each Project ...

Impact Update 社會創新項目介紹及活動推廣 – June Issue

資料由創匯點及其培育項目提供 The below information is provided by Impact Incubator and her incubatees. 「S+高峰會暨博覽2024」- 社創提案活動 社聯年度重要項目「S+高峰會暨博覽2024」於上月2至3日圓滿結束!數以千計的跨界別持份者參與,共商本地及區域性的社會議題。創匯點亦藉此機會,舉辦兩場社創提案活動,與不同持份者共議共創。主題環繞利用創新解決方案,促進環境可持續性及社會創效。   當天獲邀的10個團隊代表,就他們回應社會問題的創新方法,進行了精彩的演講分享。 利用創新解決方案,促進環境可持續性   主題環繞環境議題倡議、本地農業推廣、蜜蜂保育、資源管理等。 低碳想創坊CarbonCare InnoLab 土地教育基金Land Education Foundation 蜜語Beetales The Loops Hong Kong GreenPrice 利用創新解決方案,促進社會創效   主題包括婦女充權、月經平權、視障人士平等欣賞藝術的權利等。 妳想煮意FeStyle 再生玩具店Anewtoys 每悅事Happeriod 老薑Ginger Innovation Beyond Vision International 創匯點將繼續舉辦相關活動,鼓勵各界共創點子,以創新手法推動社會可持續發展,期待大家的參與! 糖不甩「喜歡我是我- 網上多元性/別研習班」 課程涵蓋5大課題,共35節課,課程亦附有可供下載的有用資源。 以各種工具、技巧、知識和求助資源,讓參加者得以理解、善待及照顧自己以及他人。   報名方法及更多資訊:https://bit.ly/3Xnq9xc    如欲查詢,請致電6277 3103或電郵至 [email protected],亦可到其Instagram @stickyricelove 查詢。 瀏覽項目詳情   ALONGSIDE 同行 Alongside 同行是為性/別小眾而設的生死服務平台,提倡「終生自主」的理念,服務範疇包括公眾教育、生前規劃及離世支援等,提供全面且性/別小眾友善的服務。   在六月 Pride Month,同行將會在 6 月 30 日舉辦一個「遺囑草擬工作坊」,以小組討論互動形式讓參加者透過虛構的情境學習設計遺囑的要點及重要性,突顯在遺產分配上性/別小眾會遇到的獨特挑戰。    報名連結:https://www.eventbrite.com/e/how-to-draft-a-will-workshop-tailored-to-lgbtqia-tickets-914022906117   如欲查詢,請電郵至[email protected],以了解更多。 瀏覽項目詳情 兒家問 ParentAsk — 父母及兒童照顧者的線上專家咨詢平台 透過兒家問 ParentAsk ,只需安坐家中便能向 育兒專家預約20分鐘的咨詢服務, 查詢小孩發展狀況及獲得個人化的育兒建議。   平台擁有各兒科領域的專家,均具有相關專業認證和經驗,能給予基於科學實證的意見。   父母現在可以透過這個網上平台與心儀的專家預約一對一視訊對話,第一時間得到專業的育兒支援。   平台網站: parentask.combocare.org   如欲查詢及合作,請電郵至 [email protected] 或  WhatsApp 67423851 查詢。 瀏覽項目詳情   InternTas 潛水生涯規劃計劃 InternTas 由潛水教練兼資深社工團隊成立的潛水生涯規劃計劃,為30位18至30歲基層年青人提供一年期潛水訓練及工作體驗,參加者於計劃期內最高可獲至救援潛水員資格並於潛水行業工作。從興趣發展中擴闊視野提升專業技能及潛水行業網絡。   如欲查詢更多,請發送訊息至其Instagram @Tas_diving,或電郵至 [email protected],以了解更多。 瀏覽項目詳情       少數族裔藥物教育工作坊 醫藥通將於八月推出為期一年的少數族裔藥物教育工作坊,該工作坊由少數族裔藥劑師或專業醫護人員主講,主題涵蓋少數族裔常見的服藥疑問,包括懷孕、三高和疫苗接種等問題。此工作坊旨在提高少數族裔對正確用藥的認知和藥物管理技巧。目前可提供烏都語和尼泊爾語講解。   如欲查詢及合作,請致電5336 0883或電郵至[email protected]。 瀏覽項目詳情 ...

HKEX Impact Funding Scheme Briefing Session

HKEX Foundation has set up the HKEX Impact Funding Scheme (the Scheme) to support Recognised Social Enterprises (SEs). The Scheme, in partnership with The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS), aims to support SEs to develop impactful and sustainable projects based on four focus areas: Financial Literacy, Diversity and Inclusion, Poverty Relief and Environmental Sustainability, serving a wide spectrum of people in need in our community and addressing various social and environmental challenges. Briefing Session Date 28 June 2024 (Fri) Time 4 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Venue Auditorium, 1/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai Language Cantonese Enrollment Please click here (Successful registrants will receive confirmation email after enrollment deadline) Quota 100 Enrollment deadline 12nn, 26 June 2024 (Wed) Rundown 3:45 – 4:00p.m. Registration starts 4:10 – 4:40p.m. Introduction on HKEX Impact Funding Scheme - Representative from HKEX Foundation Application Details - Representative from the Hong Kong Council of Social Service 4:40 – 4:50p.m. Sharing by AI Guided (HKEX Impact Funding Scheme 2023 grantee) 4:50 – 5:00p.m. Sharing by The Loops Hong Kong (HKEX Impact Funding Scheme 2023 grantee) 5:00 – 5:30p.m. Q&A Application Details Date of Application The Scheme will accept online application ...
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