Election of the Executive Committee (2022-2024) and Standing Committee (2022-2023)

The 75th Annual General Meeting (the AGM) and election of members of the Executive Committee (2022-2024) and Standing Committees (2022-2023) will be held on November 25, 2022 (Friday) at the Auditorium, 1/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong, detailed arrangements will be announced in mid-October. Nominations for the election of the following seats in the Executive Committee and Standing Committees are now invited: 9 members of the Executive Committee for serving a term of 2 years (2022-24) [Note 1]; and 5 members of each of the four Standing Committees - Standing Committee on Service Development, Standing Committee on Policy Research and Advocacy, Standing Committee on Sector and Capacity Development and Standing Committee on Public Engagement and Partnership, serving a term of 1 year (2022-23) [Note 2]; According to the Constitution of the Council, every official representative of Agency Members and Life Member shall have the right to nominate eligible persons for the above elections [Note 3]. A nomination form, which can be duplicated if necessary, is enclosed. Completed nomination forms should be sent to the Election Committee of the Council by fax to 2864 2910 or by email to [email protected] no later than October ...

HKCSS Tender Notice – Provision of e-Workflow System (Closing date: 12:00 noon 5th October 2022)

We are inviting responses to the following Tender Invitation: Provision of e-Workflow System (Ref. No: HKCSS/IT/EWS) Interested parties please download the tender invitation with documents listed below. Technical proposal that contains the technical information only, i.e. all information except pricing, in a separately sealed envelope. The envelope must be marked “Technical Proposal – Tender for provision of e-Workflow System (Ref: HKCSS/IT/EWS)”. Price proposal that contains the price information only in a separately sealed envelope. The envelope must be marked “Price Proposal –Tender for provision of e-Workflow System (Ref: HKCSS/IT/EWS)”. Both envelopes mentioned above shall be placed inside another sealed envelope, clearly marked “Tender for provision of e-Workflow System (Ref: HKCSS/IT/EWS)”. The tender should be addressed to Director of Finance, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong and forwarded to reach the tender box at 13th floor Reception of the same address. No other marks, especially those which could hint on the identity of the tenderer, should appear on the envelope. All further communication regarding this tendering should be in writing to the email address of [email protected] or [email protected]. Download: Form of Tender Schedules Reply slip Decline to offer ...


業界護士及相關護理同工人手不足及招聘困難的問題已經存在多年,這兩年的疫情無疑令情況變得更加嚴重。有見及此,在香港交易所慈善基金資助下,香港社會服務聯會及香港復康聯會首次舉辦招聘會「社福護士及護理同工招聘日2022」,並得到香港都會大學、東華學院、香港理工大學及明愛專上學院等院校的支持,期望能招聘更多有心人加入社福界,學以致用,回饋社會。 「社福護士及護理同工招聘日2022」詳情如下: 日期:2022年9月14日 (星期三) 時間:上午10時至下午5時 (分上午10:00 - 1:30及下午1:30 - 5:00兩節預先登記入場) 地點:香港灣仔軒尼詩道15號溫莎公爵社會服務大廈一樓 內容:社福機構護士,保健員及復康治療助理職位空缺資料查詢、登記以及即場面試。 參與機構:浸信會愛羣社會服務處、明愛康復服務、基督教家庭服務中心、基督教香港信義會社會服務部、扶康會、香港盲人輔導會、匡智會、香港心理衞生會、鄰舍輔導會、新生精神康復會、香港耀能協會、香港聖公會福利協會有限公司、聖雅各福群會及東華三院 如對以上內容有任何垂詢,歡迎與社聯復康服務主任郭女士聯絡 (電話:2864 2932) 嘉賓鼓勵護士及護理專業畢業生加入社福界:  以下為招聘日的流程安排,參加者請留意: 招聘日前  請先閱覽有意應徵機構的網頁、空缺和機構介紹資料及短片(現時共14間機構參與招聘日);  選取有興趣的機構職位空缺,下載、列印並填寫其職位申請表;  每個機構均提供其指定之職位申請表,有關表格並不通用。每份有興趣應徵之職位均需填妥職位申請表,同時夾上一份完整履歷,並於招聘日當天親自帶到會場向心儀機構攤位安排即日面試;  同時亦需準備足夠數量的身分證明文件、學歷和工作證明正副本以及近照等文件以便應徵之用。(註: 大會不設影印或列印服務,請預先準備足夠數量的文件。如需影印或列印,可到兩個街口就近的快圖美。)  礙於天氣炎熱,加上會場人流多,各申請人招聘日衣著以smart casual,整齊清潔為主,場內僱主會予以體諒。 招聘日當天  當天早上請預先進行快速測試,完成後請在檢測棒上寫上名字及日期並拍照記錄,機構有機會要求出示相關相片。此外,亦需在場外掃瞄安心出行應用程式、疫苗紀錄、量度體溫及全程佩戴口罩;  應徵者請依照早前所報名的節數出席,進入會場時需出示大會活動確認證明;  場內設展板顯示不同機構所在的攤位號碼,參加者可掃瞄個別機構的QR code以查閱相關的職位詳情;  填表及等候區設置在202室以便應徵者填寫職位申請表及等候面試區,以便大家需要時休息,惟需保持安靜;  現時預計上、下午有過百位應徵者出席,為控制排隊人流,機構之即場面試有機會需要輪候,機構屆時將派發籌號紙,在未輪候到面試期間可在202室等待。另外,建議大家同時登記幾間即場面試,以節省輪候時間。(每間機構預定之面試時間約15-30分鐘。)  場地當天會有攝影記錄;  場內不准進食。另不設充電服務; 招聘日完結當天請完成檢討問卷。 未能出席招聘日的應徵者 請先閱覽有意應徵機構的網頁、空缺和機構介紹資料及短片; 選取有興趣的機構職位空缺,下載並填寫其職位申請表; 填妥職位申請表後請盡量於16/9或前電郵至大會[email protected]郭小姐收,電郵需列明應徵的機構名稱及職位,大會會按照招聘日後之空缺數目聯繫各機構安排面試。 參與機構 RN空缺 EN空缺 HW空缺 RA空缺 即場面試? 1. 浸信會愛羣社會服務處 3 4+約3兼職 15+約3兼職 4 √ 2. 明愛康復服務 2 6 1 0 √ 3. 鄰舍輔導會 5 4 3 14 √ 4. 基督教家庭服務中心 2+1兼職 3+1兼職 2 2 √ 5. 新生精神康復會 1 2 11 0 √ 6. 香港心理衞生會 1 12 0 0 √ 7. 基督教香港信義會社會服務部 5 4+1兼職 5 0 √ 8. 香港耀能協會 13 13 3+1半職 0 √ 9. 東華三院 8+1半職 29+10兼職 6 0 √ 10. 香港聖公會福利協會有限公司 12 19 2+1半職 4 √ 11. 香港盲人輔導會 0 7+1半職+7兼職 9+3兼職 0 √ 12. 匡智會 3 8 6 0 √ 13. 扶康會 0 10 4 0 √ 14. 聖雅各福群會 1 3+2兼職 5 4 √ 共 56全職+1半職+1兼職 124全職+1半職+約24兼職 72全職+2半職+約6兼職 28全職   空缺數目截至29.8.2022   參與機構 機構短片 / 相片 1. 浸信會愛羣社會服務處 機構簡介 下載職位空缺資料 下載職位申請表 網址:https://www.bokss.org.hk/ 2. 明愛康復服務 機構簡介 下載職位空缺資料 下載職位申請表 網址:https://rs.caritas.org.hk/ 3. 基督教家庭服務中心 機構簡介 下載職位空缺資料 下載職位申請表 網址:https://www.cfsc.org.hk/ 4. 基督教香港信義會社會服務部 機構簡介 下載職位空缺資料 下載職位申請表 網址:https://service.elchk.org.hk/ 5. 扶康會 機構簡介 下載職位空缺資料 下載職位申請表 網址:https://www.fuhong.org/   6. 香港盲人輔導會 機構簡介 下載職位空缺資料 下載職位申請表 網址:https://www.hksb.org.hk/tc/ 7. 匡智會 機構簡介 下載職位空缺資料 下載職位申請表 網址:https://www.hongchi.org.hk/ 8 ...

Invitation to ‘‘Social Work Research Practice Workshop’: ‘How to Collect and Use Public Bodies’ Data for Research’.

Data collection is an essential part of social welfare research and advocacy. In recent years, under the open data plans implemented by the government, public bodies such as government departments and statutory bodies become more positive in opening up public information they manage for public use.  The collection and use of public data will help practitioners from the sector to explore and identify community characteristics for service development. In order to help practitioners grasp more understanding and technique in collecting and using public bodies’ data, the Council is going to organize the captioned workshop and has already invited Ms. Chloe Fung, a Research Assistant from the Faculty of Law of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, as the speaker of the workshop.  She will explain the methods and procedures of collecting data from public bodies, as well as the practical application points and precautions when accessing public data.  Details of the workshop are as follows: Guest speakers:  Ms. Chloe FUNG, Research Assistant, Faculty of Law, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Language: Speech: English , Group Discussion: Cantonese Date: 13th October 2022 (Thursday) (The workshop may be rescheduled or changed to online mode subject to the development of the pandemic) Time: ...

Count Us In: Deliberation Day for Social Inclusion & Diversity (Townhall: 21st October 2022)

Project PRAISE, a collaboration project sponsored by the Kadoorie Foundation between the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) and two social operators (Yuen Long Town Hall & H.K.S.K.H. Lady MacLehose Centre), aims to promote ethnic minorities' (EM) empowerment and social inclusion in Hong Kong. We plan to build a systematic and social intelligible tool for the advocacy of a socially inclusive society, namely the Hong Kong inclusion and Diversity (HKiD) Index. Over the past year, the research team has come up with 6 life domains and a list of objective indicators. We would like to present our tentative indicators and seek advice from individuals who are working toward diversity and inclusion, as well as the bigger ethnic minority community in Hong Kong. Therefore, an engagement activity titled Count Us In: Deliberation Day for Social Inclusion and Diversity are organized for ethnic minorities and professionals from different sectors who are concerned with ethnic minorities' issues in a participatory discussion. Professor Lisa Leung from the Lingnan University's Department of Cultural Studies, as well as the Hong Kong Social Workers Association’s Ethnic Diverse Chapter shall be sharing. Participants are welcomed to share their experiences and barriers to inclusion. The details and tentative ...
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