Providing preventive healthcare among ethnic minority seniors through Primary Healthcare
“I do understand basic conversations with the doctor. But then in terms of medication. If I do speak something wrong, or if I misunderstand, or if I am not able to explain or understand. What medication I was supposed to take. I am a bit afraid of that part. So I normally take my grandson as an interpreter for my visits to the hospital” South Asian elderly Mr. Gaha Thapa Kama Bahadur said. Therefore, the Hong Kong Christian Service (HKCS) launched The “Support to Ethnic Elderly” (SEE) Project serving a group of South and Southeast Asian seniors living in West Kowloon. For example, promoting primary healthcare; raising their awareness of public and health services; boosting cultural exchange between Chinese and ethnic minority elders; educating caregivers, etc. In the past 7 years, they have assisted over 2000 ethnic minority elders and caregivers. Ms Peggy Lau, Project Leader of HKCS, said that the ethnic minority elders face severe language barriers in receiving information. But for these seniors who speak no Chinese or English, or even not literate in their own country's language. They are not clear about what is happening in the society and the simplest of translated government information. For example, ...
Reimagine the Multiculturalism in Social Service – Ethnically Diverse Professionals Cum Briefing Session on Professional Traineeship Programme for the Ethnic Minorities (12/5/2022)
There is a significant increase in Ethnic Minority (EM) population in recent years. Between 2006 and 2016, the population has a 70% increase accounting for 8% of Hong Kong's total population. Among the EM, it is not uncommon that they are born and raised in Hong Kong. Yet they still face difficulties integrating into society, some even end up in family violence, youth gangs, and elderly’s lack of care issues. In view of the multicultural background and the pragmatic needs of Ethnic Minorites, welfare services shoulder important responsibilities. Among the 26,669 Registered Social Workers, there is only 18 EM. Yet the need for these ethnically diverse professionals is keen with the communities’ surging demand for social services. We must reimagine the multiculturalism in Social Service – Ethnically Diverse Professionals and initiate the Professional Traineeship Programme for the Ethnic Minorities. And the event details are as follows: Reimagine the multiculturalism in Social Service - Ethnically Diverse Professionals Date: May 12, 2022 (Thursday) Time: 10:00-12:00 Venue: Zoom Target: Agency members and other interested stakeholders Guest Speakers: Mr. Raymond Lai Business Director The Hong Kong Council of Social Service Mr. Ronald LI Chief Programme Officer - China and Hong Kong The Kadoorie ...
Submission for Legislative Council Panel on Welfare Services and Panel on Home Affairs on “Language support services and dedicated outreach services teams for ethnic minorities” (Chinese only)
Submission for Legislative Council Panel on Welfare Services and Panel on Home Affairs on “Language support services and dedicated outreach services teams for ethnic minorities” (Chinese only) Size : 355.5 kB Format : PDF ...
在港居住的少數族裔人士有584,000人,佔全港人口的8%。香港的少數族裔人口主要是南亞裔人士,包括印度人、尼泊爾人及巴基斯坦人。當中,少數族裔男性勞動人口參與率(79.9%)普遍高於全港男性(69.7%)。而南亞裔有兒童住戶的貧窮率約為三成,高於全港有兒童住戶貧窮率一倍,即每三個南亞裔兒童就有一個是來自貧窮家庭。 ...
運動打破隔膜 了解彼此文化 齊玩南亞裔盛行的運動 – 卡巴迪Kabaddi
如何打破不同種族的隔膜,增進華裔及南亞裔人士彼此之間的了解?其實運動是不錯的選擇。因此,香港中文大學的人類學講師鄧偉文成立社會企業「香港卡巴迪聯盟」,透過在學校及社區推廣南亞裔盛行的亞運體育項目「卡巴迪Kabaddi」,增加在香港的華裔與非華裔人士彼此之間的跨文化了解,促進社會共融。 「香港社會好像活在平行時空中,華人及少數族裔很少互相接觸,我希望建立一個平台,讓雙方有更多機會接觸,我們想到體育活動是很好的媒介,因為當中不需要太多的語言 (溝通),只需要跟從同一個規則,就可以很享受活動。」香港卡巴迪聯盟創辦人鄧偉文說。 助華裔及南亞裔學生共融 玫瑰崗中學教師蔡秉殷指,從前老師們前不太了解南亞裔學生,在管教上存在一些難題,但本著有教無類的精神,他責任教好南亞裔學生,第一步就是先了解他們,所以他、學校社工及社企合作舉辦卡巴廸的體育訓練班,一來是讓他們玩熟悉的運動,二來是讓老師及華裔學生可以藉此了解他們。再者,在比賽過程中,華裔及南亞裔的學生一起參與,大家學習到忍耐,以團隊優先,最後學生的成功感及滿足感是更大。在日常的校園生活,他們的操行及待人接物都有正面改變,沒有以前般衝動,減少與同學之間的衝突和磨擦。 以運動促進社會共融 香港卡巴迪聯盟除了推廣運動之外,亦會鼓勵華裔參與者增加對少數族裔的認識,例如:社企帶領他們參觀的少數族裔的社區及宗教場所,認識少數族裔朋友,增加華裔參與者的跨文化認知。蔡老師亦表示,人與人之間的接觸增加,差異便會減少,老師們不要擔心華裔學生及非華裔學生的差異,而將分開他們,相反老師們要製造更多機會,讓他們一起相處,藉着彼此了解認識,他們之間的差異就可以互相取長補短,令環境更加共融。 ...