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Newsletter on Palliative and End-of-Life Care Service: Issue 6 : “Hospice  Care in Residential Care Homes” (only Chinese version)

Due to aging population and an increasing number of patients with terminal illness, palliative and end-of-life care has lately become an important topic of concern in Hong Kong recently. In view of the concern over respect to patient self-determination and improvement of their quality of life at the terminal stage, the government will implement the legislative proposal of advance directives and dying in place in this year. To equip the sector with knowledge of the related topics and its impacts on palliative and end-of-life care service development, the Council publishes “Newsletter on Palliative and End-of-Life Care Service”. The issue 6 of the newsletter is “Hospice Care in Residential Care Homes” (only Chinese version). Under a new amendment of ordinances related to dying in place, the Social Welfare Department promulgates related guidelines for residential care homes for people with disabilities and residential care homes for the elderly that are not nursing ...

Policy Bulletin Issue 36 – “A Comprehensive Look at Elderly Care in the Greater Bay Area” (Chinese version only)

The new issue of Policy Bulletin is now available (Chinese version only). As always, our Policy Bulletin attempts to adopt new perspectives to look at policy issues in order to enrich policy discussions. Facing the trend of aging population in Hong Kong, elderly care has become conspicuous. Along with the discussions on " Continuum of Care" and "Aging in Place," with the growing interaction between Hong Kong and the Mainland China, elderly care in the Greater Bay Area has also entered the policy discussion and become one of the potential options in the overall elderly care policy. In this issue of the policy bulletin, through the review of the issue of elderly care in the Greater Bay Area from different perspectives, we aim to raise public awareness of the importance of elderly care in Great Bay Area to Hong Kong elders, its current service development and bottleneck, and similar experience ...

HKEX Impact Funding Scheme

HKEX Foundation has set up the HKEX Impact Funding Scheme (the Scheme) to support recognised Social Enterprises (SEs). The Scheme, in partnership with The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS), aims to support SEs which have a clear social mission, revenue model, and a proven track record, to develop impactful and sustainable projects based on four focus areas: Financial Literacy, Diversity and Inclusion, Poverty Relief and Environmental Sustainability, serving a wide spectrum of people in need in our community and addressing various social and environmental challenges. Application Details Date of Application The Scheme will accept online application from 3 July to 1 August 2024 at 5 p.m.  Eligibility Social Enterprises (SEs) that are: Listed on the Social Enterprise Directory (SED) managed by the HKCSS; or Accredited under the Social Enterprise Endorsement (SEE) Mark administered by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Social Enterprises (HKGCSE); or Previously or currently supported by the government’s SE funding schemes, ...

“HKICT Awards – Smart People Award” Enroll Now

「2024 香港資訊及通訊科技獎:智慧市民獎」查詢: 電話:2922 9229 電郵:[email protected] 網址: ...

Middle Management Development Programme (MMDP) – Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2024 (3 rd Cohort)

HKCSS Institute will launch the 3rd cohort of “Certificate for Newly Promoted Supervisors and Managers in NGOs 2024”, to be conducted from September to December 2024. It aims to equip newly promoted supervisors and managers with the needed skills and mindset on personal efficacy and people management. You are cordially invited to recommend your newly promoted middle managers to join us!  In this ever-changing era, newly promoted supervisors and managers are confronted with different challenges that arise with their role transition. They have to seamlessly evolve from individual contributors to influential people managers. The new leadership responsibilities and relationships require these managers to boost their leadership effectiveness and broaden their horizon so as to lead their teams to work towards common goal and navigate through changes in this fast-changing environment. This comprehensive 4-month learning journey, progressing from Leading Self, Leading Team to Unlocking the Power of Influence, is specially designed ...
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