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社聯照護食工作小組與香港公共圖書館正於深水埗區合辦講座及為期約三個星期的展覽,分別於保安道公共圖書館、荔枝角公共圖書館,以及深水埗公共圖書館進行。 適逢12月12日世界吞嚥日,當日將於深水埗公共圖書館舉辦「世界吞嚥日嘉年華」。嘉年華設有講座、烹調示範及小型路演,讓公眾人士更全面地了解照護食及吞嚥困難。 活動費用全免,參與講座更可獲得精美禮品及《照護食——家居篇:吞嚥困難患者照顧者全面手冊》乙本。 世界吞嚥日嘉年華 日期:2024年12月12日(星期四) 時間:2:30-5:30pm 地點:深水埗公共圖書館推廣活動室 內容: 認識吞嚥困難 認識照護食及烹調方法 介紹支援吞嚥困難人士照顧者資訊 按此報名: 如有任何查詢,歡迎聯絡社聯照護食工作小組。 聯絡電話:2876 2498 電郵:[email protected] 網站 ...
誠邀地區合作伙伴機構參與 星展基金會「家庭為本理財教育」計劃
星展基金會贊助香港社會服務聯會(社聯)攜手合作推行「家庭為本理財教育」計劃,期望為基層社群提供一系列的理財教育活動,提高他們的理財知識外,亦旨在透過家庭為本的理財模式,增強家庭成員間的溝通,扭轉坊間一般認為「講錢傷感情」的狀況。 整個計劃將於2025年1月開始,為期約三年,並與對服務計劃感興趣的社會服務機構共同合作,預計合共服務6,500位基層家庭及特別組群的市民。 本計劃現正展開第一階段(2025年1月至2025年12月)地區伙伴機構招募,誠邀機構參與成為地區主要合作伙伴,主要服務提共包括:1) 家庭理財入門工作坊、2) 家庭導向理財小組及3) 個別家庭理財諮詢。計劃第一階段,於以下區域提供服務之機構將獲優先考慮:九龍城、葵青、觀塘、沙田、黃大仙、屯門、元朗,深水埗及離島,同時亦歡迎其他地區機遞交申請,計劃詳情請參閱附件。 申請方法:請將填妥之意向書及最近1年機構財務報告(2023-24)電郵致: [email protected] 截止日期:2024年12月13日(星期五)下午5時或以前 如欲了解更多項目內容及要求,歡迎與本會職員聯絡:Ms Antonia Chan (電話:2876-2499;電郵:[email protected]) 期待您們的參與! 附錄:計劃詳情 ...
“Participatory Budgeting” Zoom meeting
"Participatory budgeting" is a process that allows community members to discuss and vote on the allocation of a portion of public resources, fostering a sense of belonging and ensuring effective use of community resources. The MWYO Youth Office has gained valuable experience over the past few years. The participatory budgeting experiment in Choi Fook Estate and Kwai Tsing District Council, enabling residents to engage in the management consultation committees and vote on budget allocations. Considering this, the Hong Kong Council of Social Service has invited MWYO to share their practical experiences, exploring its potential for implementation in Hong Kong and considering avenues for enhancing civic participation. Details of the event : Date : December 6, 2024 (Friday) Time : 10:30 AM to 12:00 N.N Venue : Zoom Target : Social service practitioners and social work ...
【社聯人才發展】Insight and more!《11月號》
Klook總經理岑皓祺分享.Onboarding安排好重要 | 建立持續學習文化的好處 ...
The Golden Key to Unlock Good Governance: Managing with Equality
In today’s landscape, NGOs encounter significant challenges related to equality and discrimination. It is more crucial than ever to proactively identify and address these issues in order to strengthen the NGO governance capacity. The Council has invited the Equal Opportunities Commission to conduct two sharing sessions that will introduce the Anti-Discrimination Ordinance, and assist NGOs in implementing good governance for equal opportunities (EO). 【Sharing Session 1】Anti-Discrimination Ordinance - Overview of legal review of key terms related to EO - Explain the principles and importance of EO in various contexts - Share significant unlawful acts that contravene equal opportunity standards 【Sharing Session 2】Equal Opportunity Governance - Explore how to implement preventive measures to enhance EO governance through different case studies - Utilize EO-related policies and best practices to attract and retain talents - Apply EO principles to both staff management and service provision - Provide a checklist for NGOs to review ...