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HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme 2020 – Open for Application!

Period for online application submission: From 14th Apr to 6th May 2020 Launched in 2012, the HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme (CPP) is supported by the Home Affairs Department, the Social Welfare Department and the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS). The Programme aims to inspire district-based community initiatives to foster a more inclusive society. Since its launch, CPP has supported more than 1,100 projects benefiting over 4,300,000 people in Hong Kong. With distress surrounding the outbreak of COVID-19 and dividedness resulted from months of social unrest, Hong Kong is in need of positive energy to rebound from this trough. The programme press ahead with a new theme, “Support Hong Kong! ” with a double funding HKD36 million is being allocated. Each project will range from HKD200,000 to HKD700,000, extended 40% higher for the grant amount ceiling, in order to drive district-based initiatives to address the immediate needs of those disadvantaged groups most affected, as ...

港講訴 Time to Heal 「抗爭與抗疫下的心理創傷」網上工作坊

  同行 | 共學   ►►「抗爭與抗疫下的心理創傷」網上工作坊   由抗爭到抗疫,我們經歷了很多強烈的情緒,身心靈也承受著不同程度的傷痛。衝突和暴力場面讓我們感到不安和無助,不同的政見撕裂了人與人之間的關係,再加上疫情帶來的焦慮和恐慌,讓我們對未來失去焦點和希望。本工作坊將介紹何謂心理創傷,增加大家對服務對象的敏銳度、及早辨識和增強面對的能力。   工作坊內容: 1. 集體創傷和心理創傷 2. 背負創傷人士的特質 3. 受創傷後的身心反應 4. 怎樣協助受創傷的人士安穩身體及心靈 5. 怎樣避免二次受創 6. 聯繫自身內在面對逆境的力量   講者: ■ 何綺蓮女士(香港明愛臨床督導主任) ■ 高妙思女士(香港明愛賽馬會心泉發展中心資深身心靈輔導顧問) 按此參閱講者簡歷   日期:2020年4月24日 (星期五) 時間:下午2:00至5:00 地點:透過Zoom軟件於網上進行 對象:社工、教師、教牧同工及輔導人員 名額:40(先到先得,額滿即止) 費用:全免 報名:網上報名(成功登記人士將收到附有登入資料的電郵通知) 查詢:[email protected] (鄧小姐)   ■■ 備註■■  1. 工作坊當日,請參加者預備一件能夠安穩心靈及帶給你力量的物件與大家分享。 2. 工作坊期間,請勿錄影、錄音或拍攝。 3. 參加者請於工作坊進行期間打開鏡頭,以促進與主持人及其他參加者之互動。       香港社會服務聯會 -「港講訴 Time to Heal」計劃   香港社會服務聯會「港講訴 Time to Heal」計劃,以「同行.共學.療癒」為題,希望與社群同行面對世局轉變,連結人才和資源回應社會需要,處理心理、精神創傷,築起一個促進家庭及社會對話的空間。   計劃提供不同心理情緒支援服務,支援在 #社會運動 及 #新型肺炎疫情 下心理及精神受創的人。 ► 計劃詳情 ►►   電話/whatsapp: +852 90102980 | 星期一至五上午10時至晚上8時 電郵: [email protected] | Facebook ...


社聯將於六月舉行《戒毒服務交流研討會2020》。會議主題為「凝聚業界、實踐智慧、多元模式、緩減傷害」,禁毒常務委員會戒毒治療及康復小組委員會主席張越華教授,以及香港大學社會學學系教授兼香港大學犯罪學中心總監黎樂琪教授將擔任主題發言嘉賓,他們會參考海外經驗,探討緩害在本港的可行性,以及如何應用於新型毒品或精神藥物。屆時還有七場平行專題工作坊、海報展示等,內容豐富,期望業界踴躍參與,深入交流。 日期:2020年6月2日至3日(星期二及三) 地點:香港灣仔軒尼詩道15號溫莎公爵社會服務大廈一樓禮堂 收費:$70 (一天)/ $120 (兩天) 研討會報名截止日期:2020年5月19日(星期二)(網上報名 或填妥報名表) 註:因應新型冠狀病毒情況,如疫情未有改善,活動將會改為以網上形式進行,有關公佈將於5月19日(星期二)或以前發出。 如有查詢,請致電 3611-2295 或電郵 [email protected] 與本會項目助理(家庭及社區)林蔓芝女士聯絡;亦可致電 2876-2421 或電郵 [email protected] 與本會項目經理(家庭及社區) 鄺穎欣女士聯絡。多謝垂注。   附件: (1) 研討會報名表 (2) 研討會流程 ...

Seminar on Compliance of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance for NGOs

NGOs handle large volume of personal data in everyday operations, from personal particulars of service users, volunteers, donors, to photos taken at events and videos of surveillance cameras in service units, etc. Without careful handling of the data, agencies may face the risk of breaching the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) (the Ordinance), which will not only infringe the privacy of stakeholders, but also harm the reputation of the organization. The risk is even higher nowadays as a lot of personal data is collected online and stored in digital format with serious security concern.   With the coronavirus outbreak and public health recommendations of physical distancing, working from home and the use of digital communications tools have become a new normal.  Under such circumstance, has your organisation put in place personal data protection guidelines and protocols to guard against the risks of possible breach of the Ordinance? To facilitate better understanding of personal ...

[Webinar] NGOs’ Governance Practices Amidst COVID-19

With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, normal lives are seriously interrupted globally, and the non-profit sector is no exception. Minimizing social contacts is one of the measures to prevent the spreading of the coronavirus.   Without face-to-face meetings, many NGOs' routine governance functions are disrupted. Do your organization's existing governance documents provide clear guidance on the proper way to handle this circumstance? Is your board allowed to have virtual meetings to keep functioning? Are you worried about meeting the quorum requirement for your forthcoming AGM? To facilitate NGOs response to such challenges, the Council and PILnet are going to organize a webinar in early April. Details as follows: Date: 9 April 2020 (Thursday) Time: 3:00pm - 4:00pm Speakers:  Ms Jacqueline Chiu, Partner, Mayer Brown Ms Jevon Tsang, Associate, Mayer Brown Language: Cantonese (materials in English) Target participants: NGO Board / committee members (top priority), Agency Heads, Company Secretaries, Senior Management of ...
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