Anti-money Laundering/Counter-financing of Terrorism Due Diligence Toolkit for Hong Kong NGOs
With an aim to provide NGOs with the latest legal and regulatory requirements related to anti-money laundering/counter-financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) as well as tools to address the risks of money laundering/terrorist financing (ML/TF), the Council has collaborated with Mayer Brown and BNP Paribas to develop the Anti-money Laundering/Counter-financing of Terrorism Due Diligence Toolkit for Hong Kong NGOs. The Toolkit includes information on implementing an AML/CFT risk management framework that is commensurate to the scale and scope of the NGO’s operation, guidelines on due diligence according to different types of donations, a non-exhaustive checklist for identifying and detecting ML/TF risks, a due diligence checklist on donors, partners and beneficiaries, and a segregation of duties checklist ...
本小冊子邀請了12個社區支援照顧者項目的負責同工,及其服務使用者探討如何透過創新模式,建立信任,發揮社區支援力量。12個項目的服務對象包括長者、殘疾人士,或服務通過培訓、興趣主導的參與、留有建立轉化關係空間的上門服務、手機應用程式、同行者網絡等方式建立照顧者與社區支援者的信任與互助網絡、轉化照顧者的個人身份認同、建立照顧者的能力感,從實際的照顧任務、情緒支援、資訊提供到緊急協助分擔照顧者的壓力。 歡迎「按此」下載《社區支援照顧者項目》實踐案例2023小冊子。 如有任何查詢,歡迎致電 28762483或電郵至 [email protected] 與何冠雄先生聯絡。 ...
2021 Best Practice Awards in Social Welfare- Booklet (Chinese version only)
2021 Best Practice Awards in Social Welfare- Booklet (Chinese version only) 社會發展不斷變化,社會福利服務亦不斷推陳出新以滿足社會需求。香港社會服務聯會自2003年起,每兩年舉辦「卓越實踐在社福」獎勵計劃,旨在表揚業界在推動社會福利發展的卓越表現,促進業界的專業交流,傳承社會服務的卓越實踐經驗,同時讓公眾進一步認識社會福利界的貢獻。為配合社福界發展,計劃由2021年起引入7項全新的「卓越實踐指標」(創新、協作及協同、回應性、服務使用者參與、實證為本、效能、可複製性),配合「項目管理」及「年度主題」兩項評審範疇,作為未來持續推廣社會服務卓越實踐及發展的方向。 本年度之得獎計劃特刊經已出版,歡迎各機構掃瞄以下QR Code或 按此 瀏覽計劃特刊。期望可讓業界交流社會服務中的卓越實踐經驗,同時亦讓公眾及其他界別進一步認識社會福利界的貢獻。 感謝各位的參與及支持,期待明年再見! ...
本研究旨在透過了解長者及殘疾人士照顧者(包括殘疾學前和學齡兒童的照顧者)在照顧責任下的身心狀況以及他們在尋求喘息空間上的需要及現時獲得的支援,從而探討如何改善現有服務及就發展創新的支援模式提出相關建議。 歡迎下載: 研究報告全文及研究問卷 調查結果報告 ...
A Concise Guide on NGO Financial Governance and Management
This guide is developed with the advice of the Expert Group formed under the NGO Governance Platform Project. The guide introduces the essential elements in managing and oversight of the financial activities of an NGO, with a sample Financial Policy Statement for smaller-sized NGO and bigger-sized NGO respectively as well as a sample Terms of Reference of Finance Committee and Audit Committee. ...