“A Practical Guide for Cultivating Ethnic Inclusion In Talent Development”

In this diverse Hong Kong society, we are daily witnesses to the collaborative spirit that brings together people from various ethnicities and backgrounds. As a city with a diverse population, we believe that ethnic inclusion is not just an idea but a practice, a collective effort, and a co-creation. The birth of “A Practical Guide for Cultivating Ethnic Inclusion in Talent Development” is a milestone in our pursuit of an inclusive society. This Guide signifies the impactful outcomes from different perspectives united in a co-creation journey. This Guide will provide a practical reference resource, supporting employers in establishing a culturally diverse and inclusive workplace environment. At the same time, it also helps multicultural citizens actively integrate into the Hong Kong job market, to develop their professional skills and career paths. If your company/department/unit requires the hardcopy of the Guide, please fill in the Request Form by 21st June, 2024. Thank you. The Hong Kong Council of Social Service. (2024). “A Practical Guide for Cultivating Ethnic Inclusion in Talent Development” 香港社會服務聯會:《建構種族共融的人才培訓實用手冊》, 2024 Bilingual Factsheet for Multicultural Employees Bilingual Factsheet for Ethnically Inclusive Employers If you would like to learn more about programs related to ethnic minorities, please visit our website: PRoject for Adaption, Inclusion ...

2024照顧者報告 – 四地照顧者政策摘要

是次研究,我們選擇了四個地方,分別是英國、澳洲、加拿大、新加坡進行二手資料整理,分析不同地方在立法及對照顧者支援服務系統模式,嘗試為本港的照顧者政策及服務整合提供借鏡並建議。 歡迎下載研究報告全文 如有任何查詢,歡迎致電 28762483或電郵至 [email protected] 與何冠雄先生聯絡。 ...


本研究在2022 年2 月至4 月間透過15 個個案訪談瞭解提供持續照顧的非受薪護老者(照顧65 歲或以上的長者的照顧者)的照顧職責及對現行社區支援服務的使用情況,從而探討如何為照顧者提供相關的支援,減輕照顧職責,創造喘息的空間。 歡迎下載研究報告全文 如有任何查詢,歡迎致電 28762483或電郵至 [email protected] 與何冠雄先生聯絡。 ...


香港社會服務聯會獲香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助,由2020年9月起推展為期三年的賽馬會「你」想家長培力計劃。計劃聯同香港中文大學社會工作學系和10間社福機構致力宣揚培力及轉化學習為本的家長教育手法,盼為業界和社區對家長教育注入新的思維及啟發。 歡迎「按此」下載賽馬會「你」想家長培力計劃實務經驗手冊。 如有任何查詢,歡迎致電 28762483或電郵至 [email protected] 與何冠雄先生聯絡。 ...

Anti-money Laundering/Counter-financing of Terrorism Due Diligence Toolkit for Hong Kong NGOs

With an aim to provide NGOs with the latest legal and regulatory requirements related to anti-money laundering/counter-financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) as well as tools to address the risks of money laundering/terrorist financing (ML/TF), the Council has collaborated with Mayer Brown and BNP Paribas to develop the Anti-money Laundering/Counter-financing of Terrorism Due Diligence Toolkit for Hong Kong NGOs.  The Toolkit includes information on implementing an AML/CFT risk management framework that is commensurate to the scale and scope of the NGO’s operation, guidelines on due diligence according to different types of donations, a non-exhaustive checklist for identifying and detecting ML/TF risks, a due diligence checklist on donors, partners and beneficiaries, and a segregation of duties checklist ...
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