Invitation to Social Entperises for joining the Briefing Session of ‘HKEX Impact Funding Scheme’

HKCSS is in partnership with the HKEX Foundation again in launching a new round of HKEX Impact Funding Scheme (the Scheme). With a grant of HK$10 million, the Scheme supports social enterprises (SEs) to undertake new practices/ ideas or enhance their current operations, in order to serve and support the targeted groups, and to address social and environmental challenges. The Scheme opens for SEs’ application from 28 March to 30 April 2022. A briefing session will be organised by the Social Enterprise Business Centre to help the interested SE units understanding the programme details. Briefing Session: Date: 25 Mar 2022 (Fri) Time: 3:30pm – 4:30pm Format: Online meeting (Zoom) Language: Cantonese Enrolment: Please click here (Successful registrants will receive confirmation email after enrolment deadline) Enrolment Deadline: 22 Mar 2022 (Tue) Enquiry: Ms Janie CHAN (T: 2876 2491 / E: [email protected]) Ms WONG Yan Wing (T: 2864 2993 / E: [email protected]) Outline of 'HKEX Impact Funding Scheme' (applicable to SEs) Eligibility: Listed on the Social Enterprise Directory (SED) managed by the HKCSS; or Accredited under the Social Enterprise Endorsement (SEE) Mark administered by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Social Enterprises (HKGCSE); or Previously or currently supported by the government’s SE funding schemes, such as the Social ...

誠邀參與「道別新冠 • 重建生活」網上分享及支援會

隨著本港新冠疫情發展,在疫情蔓延的心理壓力下,不少香港市民面對前所未有的恐懼和沮喪,持續的負面情緒急需更多和更有效的疏導及支援。當中面對親人離世的,不乏院舍長者或長期病患者的家屬。當他們面對親人離別和突而其來的情緒衝擊,亦因逝者是新冠患者而面對較多殯葬上的困難,往往帶來更多負面感受。 「道別新冠 • 重建生活」網上會議希望為逝者家屬、照顧者提供及時的關顧和支援,並向公眾加強教育,如何面對疫情負面消息對自己情緒和健康的影響,重拾力量面對生活的困難和挑戰。同時,也希望能為院舍同工加油及提供各類型資訊,以協助他們在服務過程中支援院友家屬緩解當下面對的挑戰。 歡迎各位把是次活動資訊分享給身邊有需要人士,互相支援! 網上分享會詳情及流程 日期:2022年3月20日(星期日) 時間:晚上8時至10時 人數:上限1,000人 (先到先得) 費用:全免 語言:粵語 形式:網上分享會 (Zoom) 流程: 20:00-20:05 歡迎、簡介講者及流程 主持:「鑽的」創辦人 梁淑儀 20:05-20:30 分享環節一:疫情下的殯儀資訊—新冠死者的身後安排 講者:「一切從簡」創辦人 伍桂麟 20:30-21:00 分享環節二:如何向新冠死者好好道別—家屬的情緒支援 講者:「心繫心生命教育基金」創辦人 李昕 21:00-21:30 分享環節三:別給疫情資訊牽著走—協助市民重建生活的信心 講者:前資深新聞記者及前政治助理 羅永聰 21:30-22:00 分組放鬆練習 (參與者可二擇其一) 主題1. 禪修 (「法鼓山香港道場」禪修帶領人 黃妙容) 主題2. 椅子瑜伽 (「法鼓山香港道場」瑜珈導師 黃瀅) 如有興趣報名,請於3月18日(星期五) 下午5時前按此連結或掃描海報上的QR Code進行登記。 成功報名人士將於3月19日(星期六)或之前收到確認電郵及zoom登入連結。 如有查詢,請電郵至[email protected]與我們聯絡。 主辦:鑽的、一切從簡、心繫心生命教育基金 協辦:香港社會服務聯會、法鼓山香港道場、蘇杭街一號 歡迎大家參與,讓我們一起並肩面對眼前的危難,一起學習重建未來的冀盼。 ...

Invitation to Hang Seng Future Skills Fund Online Information Session

The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS), in partnership with Hang Seng Bank, has set up the Hang Seng Future Skills Fund (the Fund) this year. The Fund supports non-subvented local charities to run community projects focusing on the future skills development in three main themes, i.e., Financial Literacy, Climate change and Digital Literacy / Inclusion, and other related soft skills in order to enhance beneficiaries’ individual ability to tackle the rapid changing environment. The Fund will be open for applications from 21 March to 25 April 2022. Eligibility: Agency member of HKCSS; Charitable organisations registered under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap 112); and Organisations that do not receive government’s regular subvention (Except the funding for project-based services and services awarded by the way of bidding). Number of projects: 10 projects Fund Size: HKD220,000 for each project Duration of Each Project: The duration of each proposed project should be 12 months (i.e. 1 Sep 2022 to 31 Aug 2023)   Online Info Session: Date: 18 March 2022 (Friday) Time: 4pm to 5:15pm Format: Online meeting (Zoom) Language: Cantonese Enrolment: Please click here (Successful registrants will receive confirmation email after enrolment deadline) Enrolment Deadline: 16 March 2022 (Wed)   Enquiries: Ms ...

Preparation for Service Users’ Participation in Compulsory Universal Testing

As there is community outbreak of COVID-19, the government is now planning a Compulsory Universal Testing(CUT).  While concrete plan and operational details are yet available, it is a big concern of the sector of how our service users should be assisted during the period so that smooth and effective collection of specimens can be ensured.  In connection to this, our Council is communicating with Social Welfare Department, hoping to plan for different specimen collection procedures for different user groups.  To advocate for suitable methods, procedures and resources for the specimen collection for different user groups, we have to estimate the numbers of different user groups in different settings for the planning.  We hereby request each agency member to take immediate actions for the following tasks: Provide statistics of service users: Please click this link to provide statistics of service users of different service units for the planning of procedures and manpower for CUT.  The information collected does not contain any personal information.  Agency members may circulate the link to each of your service units and invite each service unit to submit user statistics accordingly on or before 14 March. Start preparing a list of service users requiring special assistance: Agency members are recommended to ...


開課數月已發生多宗懷疑學童自殺事件,亦有個案選擇在校內自殺,事件震撼校園;前線社工觀察到近來學生自殺與自毀的數目及形態均較過往嚴峻,情況令人憂慮。 本系列以學童自殺危機識別及介入為主題,希望裝備同工有關介入策略及技巧,並促進同工就課題進行專業交流。 分享會#3 學生自殺離世了,我能為他和他身邊的人做點什麼嗎? 學校社工在事發後介入得宜,會有助學生及校園復元。如何在危機中辨識和回應學生需要、按校情設計和調節介入策略、協助學生渡過哀傷和表達心意、以致照顧學校社工自身的情緒及重整工作步伐?講者將分享她們的實戰經驗和當中的學習與反思。 分享會#4 學生要自殺,我能照顧他/她的最佳利益嗎? 學生自殺,不單是個人的事,也是家長、學校和其朋輩的事⋯⋯ 當學生發出自殺的訊號,學校社工如何在尊重青年人及考慮其最佳利益的前提下,與家校合作應對?又該如何閱讀學校、家長及朋輩間的反應?以至適當地回應他們的需要? 日期:2022年3月15日(二) 時間:下午3:00 - 4:30 日期:2022年3月25日(五) 時間:下午3:00 - 4:30 🔊講者: 🔸梁振芳  香港小童群益會 學校社工 🔸黃穎琴  香港小童群益會 學校社會工作服務(九龍東)服務總監 🔊講者: 🔸 呂少麟(基督教香港信義會社會服務部 學校社工) 🔸 陳艷紅(基督教香港信義會社會服務部 學校社工) ⇨報名按此(截止日期:2022年3月13日) ⇨報名按此(截止日期:2022年3月23日) 形式:網上會議 對象:駐校社工及督導 收費:全免 查詢:2864 2958(香港社會服務聯會鄧小姐) ...
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