誠邀機構參與「ITRC SocTech Hub 起動日」

SocTech Hub 是社聯資訊科技資源中心最新推出的一站式數碼綜合平台,旨在促進社會服務和科技界之間的跨界合作,通過科技來回應社會需求,並發揮跨界協同效應,以最具成本效益的方式擴大社會利益。誠邀各 NGO 及社企同工一同到場了解更多。 SocTech Hub 服務重點: 整合採購:簡化機構採購流程,從資訊科技、網絡保安系統及服務、雲端服務、以至硬件產品,供 NGO 選擇。 全面資訊:結集數碼科技資訊、各類培訓課程與支援協助 NGO 進行數碼轉型。 免費諮詢及系統工具試用:提供實用和免費的在線資源、工具或應用程式,提高日常工作效率和生產力。 SocTech Hub 起動日 日期︰2024.09.06 時間︰3:30 - 5:30pm 地點︰溫莎公爵社會服務大廈 201 室 對象:各部門主管、行政同工、社工、及資訊科技工作員 立即報名 ...

Practical Workshop for Frontline Staff of Health and Social Services: Engaging Ethnic Minorities to Explore Their Mental Health Needs

According to the findings of a study launched earlier in 2024 i, almost 30% of South Asian or Southeast Asian were at “high-risk” of developing a mental health disorder such as depression, anxiety or insomnia. Mental health remains a taboo topic in the ethnic minority communities, and many do not feel comfortable to open up and seek help. Frontline workers of health and social services play an important role to identify individuals with potential mental health needs and encourage them to seek professional help. To assist frontline workers in engaging ethnic minorities on their mental health needs, in partnership with The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS), The Zubin Foundation is organizing a training workshop to share its experience and practical tips on supporting the mental health of ethnic minorities. Social workers and other frontline workers from ICCMW, IFSC, DHC and other NGOs and any interested individuals are welcome to  attend the workshop. Details are as follow: Date: Thursday, 26 September 2024 Time: 9.30am to 12.30pm Venue: Room 202, 2/F, Duke of Windsor Social    Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Language: English (presentations and group debrief); English/Cantonese (group discussion) At the workshop, we will cover: • Demographics and ...

樂齡科技博覽暨高峰會GIES 2024–誠邀機構組團出席

第八屆樂齡科技博覽暨高峰會(樂齡科技博覽)已訂於2024年11月21日至24日(星期四至星期日)於灣仔會議展覽中心舉行。 特此誠邀各社聯會員機構一同參與本年度全港最大型之樂齡科技公眾教育活動。 參與一:組團參觀 由於展覽會期間到場人士眾多,為符合公眾健康及保障參加者安全,香港會議展覽中心必要時將實施人流管制。本會建議所有出席團體進行預先登記,請於2024年9月30日或之前填妥團體參觀預約網上表格,以統計到場人數。 為免人群過於聚集,大會鼓勵團體於非繁忙時段入場,大會將向於特定時段*入場,並符合特定要求**之團體單位(只限社聯會員機構)提供最多HK$1,500的活動津貼,活動津貼名額有限,額滿即止。 活動當日,大會將不會提供免費泊車安排。所有復康巴士、小巴、旅遊巴士請使用博覽道入口處上落車。 *特定時段: - 2024年11月21日:上午11時至中午12時 及 下午4時至6時 - 2024年11月22至24日:上午10時至中午12時 及 下午4時至6時 **特定要求: 出席人數為30 人或以上,並須提交報名及出席名單。被確認可獲津貼的單位,必須於活動後,將(1)團體活動津貼申請表(稍後提供),連同(2)出席名單及(3)招募通告或單張,於2024年12 月13日或之前親身遞交或郵寄至本會。津貼款項會於申請資料核准後約一個月內以支票形式發出,並由相關單位派人親身到社聯領取。因活動帳目整理需時,逾期申領,將作無效處理。 達到出席人數要求的申請將不需提交開支收據;而未達要求的申請,在特別情況下或需要以實報實銷方式處理,敬請保留開支收據以便查核。 參與二:參與導賞團 我們特意為樂齡科技平台的機構會員提供導賞服務,如欲深入了解各參展單位的展品,請即登記成為樂齡科技平台的團體會員。導賞團之安排事宜將透過樂齡科技平台內的團體會員通訊發出。 如欲查詢關於「樂齡科技博覽暨高峰會(GIES)」更多資訊,歡迎瀏覽網站http://gies.hk/或致電3705 5336與秘書處聯絡。 ...

August 2024 – Research Brief: “Research on Expenditure Patterns of Grassroots Households (2019-2020)”

In order to get the practitioners of the sector informed of the Council’s latest research findings and recommendations, the Council has endeavored to publish Research Brief from time to time. A new Research Brief has just been published, introducing the "Research on Expenditure Patterns of Grassroots Households (2019-2020)". This report based on data from the Census and Statistics Department's Household Expenditure Survey conducted in 2019/20. The study analyzes the monthly expenditures of grassroots households in areas such as food, housing, and education. As the Household Expenditure Survey did not include Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) households, the results of this study reflect the situation of grassroots families outside the CSSA system. Four specific groups were selected for in-depth exploration, namely private housing households, one-person households, elderly persons living alone / elderly doubletons, and households with children. Based on the findings and analysis, the HKCSS has put forward a series of policy recommendations aimed at reducing poverty and deprivation, and improving their quality of life. You may access the Research Brief: "Research on Expenditure Patterns of Grassroots Households (2019-2020)" (in Chinese) by following the link provided. If you have any enquiries, please call 2864 2906 or email [email protected] to contact Mr. Ronald ...

List of Candidates of the Election of the Specialized Committees (2024-2026)

Further to the Council’s memo on the Election of Specialized Committees (2024-2026) dated June 28, 2024, please be informed that the Election will be conducted through postal ballots. Please scan the following QR Code which contains the List of Candidates for your reference. 1. List of Candidates of the Election of Specialized Committees (2024-2026)  (With brief self-introductions provided by candidates and short accounts of their involvements in the social service sector) Specialized Committee on Family and Community Service Specialized Committee on Children and Youth Service Specialized Committee on Elderly Service 2. Ballots for the Election of Specialized Committees (2024-2026) Specialized Committee on Family and Community Service Specialized Committee on Children and Youth Service Specialized Committee on Elderly Service (Only Official Representatives of Agency Members who are directly providing or promoting related services, or related user groups are eligible to vote in the Committees concerned.) Ballots returned must be in ORIGINAL, completed by voters in person and sent back to the Council in the enclosed envelope by post or by hand no later than September 6, 2024 at 12:00 noon. Ballots received after the poll closing time will not be counted. Other factors, such as postal delay, or the time shown ...
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