Invitation to “Case Sharing and Seminar on Employment Support Service”

Vulnerable groups face various employment difficulties in the job market, and the social welfare sector has been committed to providing employment services to different disadvantaged groups. The employment services provided vary depending on the characteristics of different groups. This seminar aims to explore how to strengthen employment support services for vulnerable groups. Through sharing different service approaches, we will discuss the roles and functions of the social welfare sector in employment services, as well as the career development and employment counseling services provided to different disadvantaged groups. Details are as follows: Date: 30th July, 2024 Time: 14:00-17:00 Venue: Room 202, 2/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai Targets: Agency Member Language: Cantonese Quota: 50 people If you are interested, please register online on or before 19th July, 2024 (Friday). If you have any enquiries, please call 2876 2425 or email [email protected] to contact Mr. Ha, Officer of Policy Research and Advocacy of the Council. We look forward to your participation. Thank you very much! Rundown ...

誠邀參與:賽馬會「a家」輔助科技租賃服務 簡介會

由香港社會服務聯會負責統籌的「賽馬會『a家』樂齡科技教育及租賃服務」(「a家」)自2020年開展輔助器材租賃服務,截止今年5月共已累積接近3,000服務個案。為嚮應「長者社區照顧服務券」(社區券)擴展服務範圍至租借輔助科技產品,「a家」於去年推出輔助科技產品租借合作計劃,以優惠月費向各認可服務單位提供器材租賃及各項專業服務,期望能夠輔助各單位更輕易擴展相關服務範疇之餘,亦能為居家長者提供更多元化的選擇,實現雙贏的成效。租借合作計劃推出至今,已與超過30個社區券認可服務單位合作,為社區券使用者提供近50次器材租賃及相關專業服務。 為使各服務單位更容易識別服務使用者及其照顧者於輔助科技產品上的需要,並進一步了解計劃如何支援各單位租賃器材及相關專業服務,「a家」將於2024年7月24日舉行「賽馬會『a家』輔助科技租賃服務簡介會」與參加者分享資訊,並向大家介紹「a家」的服務計劃,為有意提供租借輔助科技產品服務的單位提供多一個選擇。 現誠邀各單位派出同工參與是次簡介會,期待能與您們見面。 賽馬會「a家」輔助科技租賃服務 簡介會 日期:2024年7月24日(星期三) 時間:上午10:30 至 11:30 形式:網上(所有已登記的參加者將會透過電郵收到會議連結) 內容: 介紹賽馬會「a家」輔助科技租賃合作計劃 介紹長者最常租用的輔助科技器材 分享不同器材如何在家應用的常見實用例子 對象:各社區券認可服務單位服務同工 報名連結: (截止報名日期:7月19日) 如有查詢,歡迎致電9311 0726或 電郵至[email protected] 與本服務職員聯絡,謝謝。 ...

Invitation to Participate in Care Food Cooking Competition 2024

The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) is organising the 6th Care Food Cooking Competition. We invited caregivers as contestants for the first time in our Care Food Cooking Competition 2023, bringing the concept of Care Food into the community and integrate Care Food into daily life.  This year, we invite caregivers and foreign domestic helpers, with the theme of "Travel with Care Food", allowing caregivers and foreign domestic helpers to turn the favorite and unforgettable food of dysphagia individuals during their trip to Hong Kong or around the world into Care Food, in hope that people with dysphagia recalling the joyful moments they had during their journey.  Hong Kong is a city of delicacies, where you can enjoy different cuisines in every district. However, people with dysphagia only have a few options for dining out. Through this competition, we hope to provide caregivers and foreign domestic helpers with a deeper understanding of Care Food-related knowledge so that people with dysphagia can have a taste of dishes of different styles. At the same time, promoting Care Food to the community, we envision people with dysphagia in various districts enjoying diverse delicacies from different places, so people from every district can enjoy delicious food.  ...

【社聯人才發展】Insight and more! 《6月號》

NGO新晉升主管課程 | 2024人力資源5大重點工作 | NGO機構董事導向講座 | 人才九宮格 ...

誠邀參與香港社會服務聯會社區發展網絡 社區客廳問卷調查

香港社會服務聯會社區發展網絡社區客廳工作小組現正進行一項線上調查,旨在了解現時社區客廳以及類近服務(即透過延展生活空間支援基層市民)的營運狀況。如你現在/將會營運相關服務,我們誠邀您參與這項調查,分享您在社區客廳工作/延展生活空間的寶貴經驗。 是次調查涵蓋以下主要範疇: 社區客廳/延展生活空間的服務種類,如社區活動、教育培訓、資訊諮詢等。       服務使用者的對象及其需求。 營運社區客廳/延展生活空間的困難。 服務建議及其他您認為相關的意見和想法。 是次調查採用線上問卷形式,預計需時10-15分鐘完成。您的寶貴意見將有助我們尋找未來服務發展供方向。 感謝您撥冗參與是次調查。如有任何查詢,歡迎隨時與我們聯絡 徐小姐 28762460。  按此填寫 (注:如貴機構營運多於一個相關計劃,請以另一份表格分開填寫) ...
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