Report Back Session on the 8th Public Health Palliative Care International Conference and Switzerland Study Visit

As our population is aging rapidly, the government has been actively promoting aging in place in the sense that the elderly can live healthily and receive care in their community. More and more elderly people are expected to go through an end of life care journey in community.  In response to this, the sector is actively developing a wide variety of life and death education, and community-based palliative care services. In October of last year, The Council organized a delegation to join the 8th Public Health Palliative Care International Conference and visit related service organizations in Switzerland in order to learn from the experiences of other countries in developing end-of-life agenda in community. To enrich the sector with more experience of developing life and death education and related service at community, our Council is organizing "Report Back Session on the 8th Public Health Palliative Care International Conference and Switzerland Study Visit" on 25th March, 2025, inviting delegates including Dr. Lam Ching-choi, Chief Executive Officer of Haven of Hope Christian Service, Ms. Shirley Wong, Service Supervisor of the Salvation Army and Mr. Norman Kwan, Officer of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service to share insights on the development of palliative ...


本會一直關注社區發展服務,多年來與業界攜手推廣相關的服務理念及手法,並促進業界同工交流,以推進服務發展。 《社區發展資料彙編》是本地社區發展服務的重要文獻,有助推動業界傳承社區發展的工作理念和經驗。社聯現正籌備出版新一期《社區發展資料彙編》,以整合業界同工的工作成果,共同探索服務發展的方向。 現誠邀  各機構及同工為本書刊撰文,分享寶貴的工作成果。有意投稿者,請於2025年1月24日或之前遞交文章摘要,本會將於2025年3月尾發出正式徵稿通知。獲通知者,請於2025年6月30日或之前遞交文章。請填寫網上表格以報名投稿。徵稿細則詳見附件一,敬請參閱。 如有任何查詢,請與本會服務發展(家庭及社區)項目主任徐秀芳女士聯絡 (電話: 2876 2460)。 附件一:徵稿細則 ...

JC InnoPower Social Welfare Fellowship 2025-26 Application Now Open!

Recent trends of manpower and human resources in the social welfare sector have drawn NGOs' concern over recruitment and retention of existing practitioners as well as future leadership of the sector. Coupled with the increased pressure to adapt quickly to evolving service needs and new regulations in the post-COVID era, NGOs and the sector face many challenges to maintain quality service delivery, organisational management as well as governance. In light of these challenges and the changing talent development needs of the sector, The Council has partnered with The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust to launch the “JC InnoPower Social Welfare Fellowship” (the “Programme”) in early 2024. The Programme aims to broaden the exposure of senior management in the social welfare sector and develop their future-readiness and adaptive leadership for enhancement of organisation capacities and for a sustainable ecosystem. The Programme is a 12-month journey comprising 30 days Leadership Development spreading across 6 months, and followed by a design and implementation of a Staff Development Fund Project in the ensuing 6 months. During the entire journey, there will be a one-week intensive adaptive leadership programme at Harvard Kennedy School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Fellows selected will be learning the adaptive leadership ...

Workshop: Effective Data Storytelling in Co-shaping the Social Issues

The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (the Council) has ever committed through research and advocacy to the co-discovery of social needs and the promotion of service and policy development with the sector. In the past years, the Council has organized conferences and workshops related to research and advocacy, aiming to encourage the sector to share relevant frontline experiences, thereby fostering learning and knowledge exchange. In a new era of social media with overloaded information, everyone can construct their own “social reality”, making it difficult for the public to distinguish between truth and falsity. Against this background, it is more than necessary to develop multi-dimensional and cross-sectoral perspective, and together with data and empirical methods, discuss social issues and co-create solutions. The Council will is going to organize a workshop titled “Effective Data Storytelling in Co-shaping the Social Issues,” hoping to nurture this kind of capacity in the sector. Dr Leung Kai-chi who is a public scholar with strong empirical skill and discursive sense in the subject is invited to be a speaker. The workshop will highlight common data fallacies with the examples of past social issues, and introduce how to visualize data and create data story in resonant with ...

Staying ahead in AML: Adapting to New Scenarios

Learning Platform on NGO Governance and Management Staying ahead in AML: Adapting to New Scenarios Since the release of the Anti-Money Laundering/Counter-Financing of Terrorism Due Diligence Toolkit for Hong Kong NGOs, new developments have unfolded in the evolving social landscape, underscoring the toolkit's significance. In collaboration, the Council, along with Johnson Stokes & Master (JSM), will launch a revised version of the toolkit. Additionally, an online seminar is scheduled for February, featuring a partner from JSM who will provide an overview of the toolkit's content and highlight key updates to come in the revised version. Enroll Here ...
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