HKCSSI Short Courses: Unleash Your Communication Potential

Introduction Effective communication is not only about presentation skill, but also the art of interpersonal exchange and communication.  In the dynamic world of social services, effective communication is your superpower!  Every day, we connect with colleagues, clients, and various stakeholders, but are those interactions truly impactful?  Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts, dampening team spirit and diminishing productivity. Unlock your potential with our engaging workshop designed to elevate your communication!  Discover how to simplify and enhance your daily exchanges using six powerful symbols — “?”, “+”, “−”, “×”, “÷”, “!”. Through interactive discussions and hands-on exercises, you will master practical communication strategies and techniques and amplify your influence and efficiency at work.  Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, this workshop promises to deliver insights that will transform your communication skills and lead to greater success.  Don’t miss this opportunity to make every interaction count! Objective Master effective communication strategies to enhance leadership effectiveness Enhance the ability to clearly express complex ideas Reflect on blind spots in daily communication Content “?” — Deepen understanding through effective questioning “+” — Enhance communication by engaging our five senses “−” — Simplify complex messages for clarity “×” — Strengthen ...

網絡分享會 照顧者支援在社區 : 創新服務

本次網絡分享會「照顧者在社區:社區創新服務的探索」旨在深入探討如何在香港社區內推出創新服務,以滿足家庭照顧者的多元化需求。 日期︰十一月六日 時間︰上午十一時至 下午十二時三十分 地點︰Zoom 語言︰國語 講者︰臺北護理健康大學長期照護系教授及家庭照顧者關懷總會常務理事             陳正芬教授       我們將以「家庭照顧者關懷總會」推出的「互助喘息-預約服務平台」為案例,詳細分析如何根據照顧者的具體情況,設計與提供更具針對性和友善的社區支援服務。分享會中,我們將邀請陳正芬教授分享他們在設計與執行該支援服務中的專業知識和實踐經驗。 按此報名 是次活動費用全免,期待您的參與! 有興趣出席活動人士,請於2024年11月1日或之前填寫報名表格。 如有查詢,請電郵到[email protected]與 Jim Hoe 聯絡。 ...


香港社會服務聯會照護食工作小組將舉辦以「區區有啖好食」為主題的一系列社區活動,提升公眾對吞嚥困難及照護食的認識。 在10月18日,我們將與九龍中聯網病人資源中心合辦照護食講座暨互動展覽,誠邀大家參與到場參與,藉此認識更多照護食及吞嚥困難相關資訊,以下是活動詳情: 日期:2024年10月18日(星期五) 時間:上午10時45分至下午5時 地點:伊利沙伯醫院 日間醫療中心新翼2樓 活動內容: - 照護食及吞嚥困難資源展覽 - 專題講座 - 照護食製作示範 當天會舉辦四場專題活動,從不同角度令公眾人士更了解照護食及吞嚥困難。 📌照護食專題講座 — 認識照護食及吞嚥困難 時間:上午11時45分至下午12時30分 📌照護食製作示範 — 容易吞嚥及碎餐 時間:中午12時45分至下午1時30分 📌照護食專題講座 — 舒適餵食學與問 時間:下午2時至下午2時45分 📌照護食製作示範 — 軟餐 時間:下午3時15分至下午4時30分 在10月18日,我們將與九龍中聯網病人資源中心合辦照護食講座暨互動展覽,誠邀大家參與到場參與,藉此認識更多照護食及吞嚥困難相關資訊,以下是活動詳情: 日期:2024年10月18日(星期五) 時間:上午10時45分至下午5時 地點:伊利沙伯醫院 日間醫療中心新翼2樓 活動內容: - 照護食及吞嚥困難資源展覽 - 專題講座 - 照護食製作示範 當天會舉辦四場專題活動,從不同角度令公眾人士更了解照護食及吞嚥困難。 📌照護食專題講座 — 認識照護食及吞嚥困難 時間:上午11時45分至下午12時30分 📌照護食製作示範 — 容易吞嚥及碎餐 時間:中午12時45分至下午1時30分 📌照護食專題講座 — 舒適餵食學與問 時間:下午2時至下午2時45分 📌照護食製作示範 — 軟餐 時間:下午3時15分至下午4時30分 網上報名連結:  坐位有限,先到先得。 如有任何查詢,歡迎聯絡社聯照護食工作小組。 聯絡電話:2876 2406 / 2876 2498 電郵:[email protected] 網站 ...

Policy Bulletin Issue 37 – “Youth Mental Health” (Chinese version only)

The recent wave of student suicides has attracted much public attention. The government introduced the "Three-Tier School-based Emergency Mechanism" at the end of last year to identify and support students at high risk of suicide. Before and after this, the education, social service, and medical sectors have implemented various measures and services regarding support of students with mental stress. This issue of the Policy Bulletin is based on interviews with secondary school principals, youth social workers from different units, and organizations promoting mental health. Here is a brief overview: A secondary school principal believes the emergency mechanism is useful and encourages schools to make necessary arrangements to accommodate students in need, as well as to promote a more inclusive campus culture; Youth service units of social service organizations have designed various programs to allow adolescents seeking help for mental distress free of stigma. These units have also effectively utilized their facilities as places for adolescents to find relief; and A social enterprise promotes mental health and reduce stigma with stories and events, both online and offline. Furthermore, this issue also introduces Singapore's mental health strategy, with its key features of multiple-tier intervention, community support, and cross-sector collaboration.  As the government ...

Roundtable Meeting on “How Social Services Respond to tackle the Issue of Subdivided Units”

In the October 2023 Policy Address, the government announced the establishment of the " Task Force on Tackling the Issue of Subdivided Units," which has conducted in-depth discussions on matters related to subdivided units. This includes strengthening existing enforcement actions focused on the safety of subdivided units, setting minimum standards for living conditions, and methods for eradicating substandard units. The task force submitted its report to the government in August 2024, and it is expected that the government will propose specific measures to crack down on poor-quality subdivided units after considering the task force's recommendations and feedback from other stakeholders. Although the government has not yet released concrete plans, many social welfare professionals are concerned about the potential impacts of the issues on subdivided units on service users and the resulting service needs. Therefore, the council will hold a roundtable meeting on How Social Services Respond to tackle the Issue of Subdivided Units” to facilitate communication and experience sharing among various sectors. Roundtable Meeting Details Date: 10 October 2024 (Thursday) Time: 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Location: Room 1410, 14th Floor, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai We look forward to your participation and that ...
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