SIE Fund’s special cohort – Call for innovative proposals addressing mental health and well-being in Hong Kong

Well-being and mental health have become issues of concern, especially under the COVID-19 pandemic and the uncertain economic environment. In response to this emerging need, HKCSS’ Impact Incubator is calling for applications from the start-up/ growing/ scale-up stages. We are looking for projects that aim to address mental health and well-being issues amongst local youth, elderly and other disadvantaged groups in Hong Kong. The projects should also relate to poverty alleviation, prevention or social inclusion. We will organise a briefing session on 28 September 2021 for potential applicants to find out more details about this special cohort. Besides, two engagement activities are scheduled in September 2021, to help potential applicants understand existing services which addressing issues relevant to mental health and well-being. Details will be announced later via our website. Applicants should submit their applications through the Impact Incubator’s online application system on or before 28 October 2021. The special cohort’s details are summarised below: Eligibility Organisations (e.g. tax-exempted organisations, societies) registered in Hong Kong companies (limited by guarantee or limited by shares) registered in Hong Kong Types of funding stages Start-up stage: A social project or social enterprise which has already been tested or launched to market. A business/ sustainability plan to support ...

誠邀參與「非政府機構薪酬調查」及「非政府機構福利調查」2021 及 簡介會

「非政府機構薪酬調查」及「非政府機構福利調查」2021現已接受機構報名參與。薪酬調查自2003年推展以來,超過一百三十間的參與機構已利用此調查,在進行重要人力資源決策時,作出有訊息基礎的決定 (informed choice)。本年亦會同時進行福利調查,收集機構提供給員工的福利組合。為鼓勵更多機構參與,本年參與機構的費用繼續獲得豁免,而參與機構除可獲以上調查的完整報告外,更可免費出席調查結果發佈會。 去年,參與調查的機構會員有133間,創歷年新高,涵蓋了55,629位全職員工,約佔社聯機構會員總員工的81.6%。 【相關文章】NGO薪酬調查2020–疫情下的薪酬調查 擇善而從應對新常態下的挑戰 「非政府機構薪酬調查」及「非政府機構福利調查」2021 調查截止報名日期:2021年10月8日(星期五) 去年在薪酬調查中,除了員工薪酬的最小值(min)、中位數(med)及最大值(max)外,亦收集了64個工作職位的員工薪酬平均數(mean)。調查亦就流失率的數據按機構的規模及類別分開處理作分析。由於此項數據分析備受好評,本年將會繼續收集以上數據作分析。此外,本年亦會增設專題調查,收集機構在疫情下有關人力資源政策的趨勢,盼能為業界提供相關資訊。 簡介會 <舉辦日期:2021年9月27日 下午4時正至下午5時30分> 簡介會截止報名日期:2021年9月17日(星期五) 簡介是次調查之背景、目的、設計及時間表,同時誠邀各機構就調查提出意見,以便作出改善。 備注:在派發問卷後會另外透過Zoom舉行問卷填寫工作坊(2021年10月29日),示範如何填寫問卷,以及解答同工在填寫問卷時遇見之疑難。   重要日程及參與調查之回條 網上報名連結: 1. 「非政府機構薪酬調查」及「非政府機構福利調查」2021 2. 簡介會(2021年9月27日) 3. 問卷填寫工作坊 (2021年10月29日) 如有任何查詢,請聯絡 游俊威先生(2864 2972) 或 許澤洲先生(2876 2470)。謝謝! ...


政府近年實施多項行政措施,以預防、及早識別和適當介入懷疑虐兒個案(包括全面加強學校的社工服務,向學校發出指引以落實缺課個案的通報機制,以及制定指引供相關專業人士使用,以加強跨專業合作),政府除了會繼續探討進一步的行政措施以加強對兒童的保護,亦希望就通過立法,在香港制定強制舉報懷疑虐待及忽略兒童個案的建議徵詢持份者的意見,徵詢意見的範圍包括: 1.     立法強制舉報是否合適? 2.     立法制定強制舉報機制的主要考慮 ⮚  哪些人要受保護? ⮚  哪些人須作舉報? ⮚  如何界定須舉報的懷疑個案類型? ⮚  如何界定沒有按照責任舉報個案的適當罰則水平? ⮚  如何保障舉報者的權益? 3.     在不設強制舉報制度下,所擬議加強的行政措施能否達致及早辨識虐兒個案的相同目標? 社聯將舉行討論會,誠邀兒童及青少年服務的同工出席,就是次諮詢提出意見。討論會詳情如下: •    日期:2021年8月25日(星期三) •    時間:下午3至5時 •    會議形式:網上會議 •    報名方法:報名按此 (截止日期 2021年8月20日) 有關是次諮詢內容,請參閱「擬議強制舉報懷疑虐待兒童個案規定」諮詢文件(附件)。如有查詢,請聯絡鄧小姐(2864 2958)。 附件 ⮚ 「擬議強制舉報懷疑虐待兒童個案規定」諮詢文件  ⮚  Consultation Paper: Proposed Mandatory Reporting Requirement for Suspected Child Abuse Cases ...

HKCSS Tender Briefing Session – Request for Proposal “Provision of Impact Assessment and Annual Evaluation of the Gerontechnology Platform”

We are inviting responses to the following Request for Proposal Document:   Provision of Impact Assessment and Annual Evaluation of the Gerontechnology Platform The Request for Proposal document will be available via Email. Email to [email protected] to request collection of the Request for Proposal document between 1 September 2021 and 12:00 noon on 21 September 2021.  Please provide copy of company name card for Gerontechnology Platform (GT Platform) record purpose when making the request.  GT Platform will email the Request for Proposal document to tenderers upon receipt of the company name card. Background of Gerontechnology Platform (GT Platform) GT Platform is a 3-year project where HKCSS is appointed by The Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund) as the intermediary leading a coalition with nine collaborative partners to design, develop and operate an inclusive one-stop Gerontechnology Platform.  The Platform is to link up different stakeholders on the supply and demand sides and enhance synergy by way of engagement, cross-sector partnership and collaboration, with the aim of fostering the development and application of gerontechnology to enhance the well-being, quality of life, independence and self-reliance of the elderly as well as provide support to their families, caregivers, healthcare staff and institutions ...

Which social enterprises accept the use of ‘Consumption Vouchers’?

More than 140 Social Enterprises (SEs) accept e-consumption vouchers, and they offer a wide range of products/ services: from Food & Beverage, Lifestyle and Health Care Product, to Eco Workshop, Massage Treatment & Acupuncture and Local Travel & Guided Tour, etc. There’s something for you! Click the links and check out the charts below to see which social enterprises accept the use of e-consumption vouchers! The supporting Stored Value Facilities under the Consumption Voucher Scheme #: Octopus AlipayHK Tap & Go WeChat Pay HK   # Please contact the social enterprises for getting more details before using the consumption vouchers ...
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