「我們的六分一:綜合青少年服務中心 與 青年精神健康」

近年,綜合青少年服務中心(ICYSC)面臨著資深社工和服務領導離職的挑戰,導致人才短缺、青黄不接,使得留下來的人工作壓力巨大。同時,去年「香港青少年精神健康流行病學研究」發現,本港每六個青年中就有一個經歷精神健康問題,但只有不到三成的人尋求專業援助。 在人才流失的情況下,我們如何善用已建立的良好基礎,促進不同年代社工的有效協作?如何讓業界新血獲得相關專業知識和技巧,以提升對青少年精神健康需求的支援能力? 為匯集相關持份者同謀對策,社聯將舉辦「我們的六分一:綜合青少年服務中心與青年精神健康」分享會。如有興趣參加,請填寫報名表格。   日期:2024年10月2日(星期三) 時間:上午10:00至下午5:30 地點:香港灣仔軒尼詩道15號溫莎公爵社會服務大廈1樓禮堂 對象:綜合青少年服務中心領導(包括機構主管、服務督導、中心主任及隊長) 查詢:2864 2943 梁小姐 請按此查看活動詳情 請按此報名     ...

Tender for Rental Service of Multifunctional Photocopying and Printing System (RFP Ref. No:ADM/2024/001)

We are inviting responses to the following Request for Proposal Document: Rental Service of Multifunctional Photocopying and Printing System (RFP Ref. No: ADM/2024/001) Interested parties please download the tender invitation with documents listed below. Sealed tenders, must be clearly marked with the subject of the tender on the outside of the envelope, addressed to The Hong Kong Council of Social Service and placed to the “ Tender Box” at 13/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong, on or before 12nn on 6 August 2024.  Late tenders will not be accepted. For enquiry, please contact Ms Franki WONG at 2864 2981 or [email protected]. Thank you for your attention. Download: TenderDoc_ADM2024001 ...

第三屆「社會福利機構創革者培育計劃」創革者訓練營 II (2024年7月31日)

由香港社會服務聯會 共創 點子匯主辦的第三屆「社會福利機構創革者培育計劃」已經進行到一半了。 計劃透過個人轉化,以人本發展為重點,結合設計思維訓練,讓同工進行64小時的影子實習,在一個全新的跨領域行業探索,並與計劃同行者共同經歷、織網及進行跨界別共創。 透過創革者訓練營,讓同工認識設計思維的步驟及重點,激發創革者的創新意念,並在日常工作中回應服務群體的需求。計劃即將舉行創革者訓練營 II,現邀請機構同工參與訓練營,與本屆五位創革者一起透過參與社區組織 — 土瓜灣故事館(土家)的「流動真人圖書館」社區導賞和分享,親身體驗社區連結的多樣方式,突破固有思維、與業界夥伴一同探索營造及介入社區的創新方法以及如何讓服務對象獲得充權,實踐機構與服務對象互相啓發共創。活動詳情如下: 日期: 2024年7月31日(星期三) 時間: 下午3時正 至 下午5時正 地點: 土瓜灣(集合地點待定) 嘉賓: 社區文化關注 社區營造幹事 — 陳瑞玲女士 語言: 廣東話 對象: 對活動有興趣的社福機構同工(非本屆計劃參與機構優先) 費用: 免費 報名表格: https://forms.gle/NTp327PcCp5JWNMc7  截止報名日期: 2024年7月25日(星期四)下午5 時正  (*如報名人數超額,名額會以抽籤方式分配;成功報名者將在7月29日或之前收到電郵通知書確認。) 如有任何查詢,請與葉先生(電話:2864 2960,電郵:[email protected])或 張先生(電話:2876 2442,電郵:[email protected])聯絡。謝謝! 如欲了解更多詳情,請參閲計劃網站: http://t.ly/EmVhc ...

Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund) Briefing Session

Do you have any innovative ideas that address the problems of poverty and social exclusion in Hong Kong? Are you looking for funding and other kinds of support to commercialise, start, grow or scale your social project? An intermediary of the Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund), Impact Incubator of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service cordially invites all current and potential social innovators and social entrepreneurs to join our next Impact Incubator briefing session. At the session, our team will briefly introduce our new Impact Incubator, key programme features and answer any questions you may have on applying for SIE Fund grant funding through the Impact Incubator. Impact Incubator will continue to support projects at different stages, including Scale-up, Growing, and Start-up. We hope to support innovative projects in their continuous progress and "promote" them to a larger scale, creating broader and more far-reaching social impact! SIE Fund was established by the Commission on Poverty in 2012 to stimulate cross-sector collaboration, sharing learning and experience, guiding resources to groom and coach entrepreneurs, incubating and implementing new ideas, with the expectation that some of these will lead to new, sustainable businesses that help tackle poverty and social exclusion in the community ...

Application Arrangement for 2024/25 “Caring Company Scheme”

Updates of Caring Company Scheme Patron Members’ Update Social Agendas Application Arrangement for 2024/25 "Caring Company Scheme" The "Caring Company Scheme" is currently undergoing review to ensure its alignment with market trends and the sustainable development needs of our society. This revamp will be conducted in multiple phases. Phase One has already commenced, focusing on evaluating and enhancing the application mechanism, procedures, and the online application system. Phase Two, scheduled for 2025, will address aspects such as the assessment criteria and recognition system.   As part of these revamp efforts, the application period for the 2024/25 "Caring Company Scheme" will be extended until the first quarter of 2025. Detailed information regarding the application process and related arrangements will be announced in the fourth quarter of 2024. However, the calculation period for activities will remain unchanged, covering the entirety of the year 2024. Please stay updated for the latest announcements. Patron Members’ Update   Link Asset Management Limited Established by Link, Link Sustainability Lab is a public educational platform to promote sustainable living and business model Read more   The Kowloon Motor Bus (1933) Co. Ltd. KMB launches 15 Audio Bus Stops in Sham Shui Po to assist visually impaired passengers ...
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