Course: Leading 20-min Management Activities for Team Effectiveness – Experiential Learning in Team

Objective Management activities or experiential refreshers are often used to stimulate or energize people to reflect on some key issues related to their work effectiveness. This workshop is aimed at providing participants with the practical concepts of experiential learning and the guidelines of around ten 20-min activities in various management areas such as collaboration, communication, planning, problem solving and motivation. Through hands-on experience and focused reflection, participants can expand their knowledge base, develop skills and develop team’s capacity to improve their work effectiveness. Contents Understand the essence of experiential learning and how to use it at work  How to lead experiential or reflective activities during daily work schedule  Know around 10 reflective activities which are related to management/leadership areas (such as collaboration, communication, planning, problem solving and motivation) and can be done within 20 minutes Grasp the tricks in leading reflective activities at work by role play Course Details Course Code: 19B-09 Date: 28 November 2019 (Thursday) Time: 0930 – 1700 (6 hours) Venue: Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Target Participants: Managers / Supervisors and Team Leaders who want to improve the skills in leading experiential or reflective activities in their workplace Class size: 30 Language: Cantonese (supplemented with English) ...

What Makes Stories the Most Powerful Language?

簡介 想到故事,就以為是:[很久很久以前……],或是給孩子哄睡的材料,豈知它已成為當代最通達的學問,最有力的言語,從個人生命的重整治療,到宣傳推廣,創業行銷,演説撰文,領導管理,皆能發揮以簡馭繁,以小見大的功效,本課程將故事功能立體化講授,包括故事思維,故事組織,故事表述的妙竅,並配合情景互動,活學活用。故事,讓你被看見。 學員回饋 「導師講解故事結構與思維,輔以不同生動有趣的故事,令我能夠掌握故事應用的重要性及其力量!」 「每一位同學都有機會嘗試講故事,並得到講員詳細解說,活學活用。」 「謝謝導師的分享,讓我能從故事中學到大道理。」 內容 全腦發揮的年代  怎樣培養故事思維 建構故事的六大技法 說好故事的3W, 3P與3感 善用故事建立機構形象品牌 故事的組織與拼合 故事的敍事角度 演說就是說故事 尋找並活化機構故事 生命故事的重整與重繪 課程詳情 課程編號:19B-11 日期:2019年10月24日(星期四)及30日(星期三) 時間:0930-1700(6小時,共12小時) 地點:香港灣仔軒尼詩道15號溫莎公爵社會服務大廈 對象:中心督導主任、服務經理及管理人員 名額:30人 授課語言:粵語(以英語輔助) 費用:$2,280 社聯會員機構費用:$2,120 (如於2019年10月3日或之前繳款,每位$1,840) 以電郵/傳真報名 網上報名 導師 李錦洪先生 資深傳媒人 資深跨媒體工作者,歷任報紙主編及電台電視節目主持,近年專注為教會及公私營企業開設培訓課程,應不同界別及地域邀請作專題演講,既授劍法,也傳心法。同時在D100全球網絡電台主持《新聞天地》及《人間錦言》節目,任職香港城市大學EMBA“Public Speaking & Communications” 課程特聘講師。 *以上課程獲「小型機構能力發展津貼計劃」資助,符合資格的小型非資助社福機構職員,如於2019年10月3日或之前成功申請可以二折學費 #報讀,每個課程名額為 5 個。 # 關於「小型機構能力發展津貼計劃」資助條件:凡申請者工作之機構年度經常開支少於一千萬港元,成功申請者可獲八成學費資助,即以二折學費報讀課程。 資助詳情 ...
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