2019 Welfare Agenda and Priorities Setting (WAPS) Exercise (Chinese version only)

社聯有關文件 Council's related Papers 2019福利議題及優次會議社會福利署的跟進工作 Follow Up of SWD on 2019 Welfare Agenda and Priorities Setting Exercise(Chinese Only) 2019福利議題及優次建議書 2019 Proposal on Welfare Agenda and Priorities Setting  (Chinese Only) 2019福利議題及優次會議 (2019年5月15日) 2019 Welfare Agenda and Priorities Setting (WAPs) Exercise (15 May 2019) 分組討論摘要 Summary of Group Discussion (Chinese Only) 專題演講 Keynote Speech  長者服務  Elderly Service 家庭及社區服務 Family and Community Service  兒童及青少年服務 Children and Youth Service  復康服務 Rehabilitation Service 社會保障  Social Security  社會福利署及社聯總結 Conclusion ...

2018 Welfare Agenda and Priorities Setting (WAPS) Exercise (Chinese version only)

社聯有關文件 Council's related Papers 2018福利議題及優次會議社會福利署的跟進工作 Follow Up of SWD on 2018 Welfare Agenda and Priorities Setting Exercise(Chinese Only) 2018福利議題及優次建議書 2018 Proposal on Welfare Agenda and Priorities Setting  (Chinese Only) 2018福利議題及優次會議 (2018年5月15日) 2018 Welfare Agenda and Priorities Setting (WAPs) Exercise (15 May 2018) 分組討論摘要 Summary of Group Discussion (Chinese Only) 專題演講 Keynote Speech  長者服務  Elderly Service 家庭及社區服務 Family and Community Service  兒童及青少年服務 Children and Youth Service  復康服務 Rehabilitation Service 社會保障  Social Security  社會福利署及社聯總結 Conclusion ...

2017 Welfare Agenda and Priorities Setting (WAPS) Exercise (Chinese version only)

社聯有關文件 Council's related Papers 2017福利議題及優次會議社會福利署的跟進工作 Follow Up of SWD on 2017 Welfare Agenda and Priorities Setting Exercise(Chinese Only) 2017福利議題及優次建議書 2017 Proposal on Welfare Agenda and Priorities Setting  (Chinese Only) 2017福利議題及優次會議 (2017年6月21日) 2017 Welfare Agenda and Priorities Setting (WAPs) Exercise (21 June 2017) 分組討論摘要 Summary of Group Discussion (Chinese Only) 專題演講 Keynote Speech  長者服務  Elderly Service 家庭及社區服務 Family and Community Service  兒童及青少年服務 Children and Youth Service  復康服務 Rehabilitation Service 社會保障  Social Security  社會福利署及社聯總結 Conclusion ...

2016 Welfare Agenda and Priorities Setting (WAPS) Exercise (Chinese version only)

社聯有關文件 Council's related Papers 2016福利議題及優次會議社會福利署的跟進工作 Follow Up of SWD on 2016 Welfare Agenda and Priorities Setting Exercise(Chinese Only) 2016福利議題及優次建議書 2016 Proposal on Welfare Agenda and Priorities Setting  (Chinese Only) 2016福利議題及優次會議 (2016年7月20日) 2016 Welfare Agenda and Priorities Setting (WAPs) Exercise (20 July 2016) 分組討論摘要 Summary of Group Discussion (Chinese Only) 專題演講 Keynote Speech  長者服務  Elderly Service 家庭及社區服務 Family and Community Service  兒童及青少年服務 Children and Youth Service  復康服務 Rehabilitation Service 社會保障  Social Security  社會福利署及社聯總結 Conclusion ...

2015 Welfare Agenda and Priorities Setting (WAPS) Exercise (Chinese version only)

社聯有關文件 Council's related Papers 2015福利議題及優次會議社會福利署的跟進工作 Follow Up of SWD on 2015 Welfare Agenda and Priorities Setting Exercise(Chinese Only) 2015福利議題及優次建議書 2015 Proposal on Welfare Agenda and Priorities Setting  (Chinese Only) 2015福利議題及優次會議 (2015年6月3日) 2015 Welfare Agenda and Priorities Setting (WAPs) Exercise (3 June 2015) 分組討論摘要 Summary of Group Discussion (Chinese Only) 專題演講 Keynote Speech  長者服務  Elderly Service 家庭及兒童服務Family and Children Service 青少年及社區服務 Youth and Community Service 復康服務 Rehabilitation Service 社會保障  Social Security  社會福利署及社聯總結 Conclusion ...
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