July 2024 – Research Brief: “Current Situation and Challenges of Hong Kong Elderly in the Greater Bay Area Community Aging: Qualitative Research Report”

In order to get the practitioners of the sector informed of the Council’s latest research findings and recommendations, the Council has endeavored to publish Research Brief from time to time. A new Research Brief has just been published, introducing the "Current Situation and Challenges of Hong Kong Elderly in the Greater Bay Area Community Aging: Qualitative Research Report" This report primarily aims to explore the current situation of community-based retirement in the Greater Bay Area community for the Hong Kong Elderly. It summarizes how the Hong Kong elderly consider retirement options in the Greater Bay Area. It also identifies the related policies and service support required to provide various retirement options for the Hong Kong elderly so that their quality of life could be enhanced. You may access the Research Brief: "Current Situation and Challenges of Hong Kong Elderly in the Greater Bay Area Community Aging: Qualitative Research Report" by following the link provided. If you have any enquiries, please call 2876 2425 or email [email protected] to contact Mr. Ha, Officer of Policy Research and Advocacy of the Council ...

Neighbours in Numbers: Understanding ethnic minority community in Yuen Long and Kwai Tsing

The ethnic minority (EM) community has been building and contributing throughout the history of Hong Kong. However, our society has yet been as inclusive as it should be for them to enjoy equal opportunities and resources for better wellbeing. To track local development and assess overall needs, especially the ethnic minority community members, the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS), with the generous support from the Kadoorie Charitable Foundation, has made a few research attempts in the past few years, including community survey in Yuen Long and Kwai Tsing. Neighbours in Numbers: Understanding ethnic minority community in Yuen Long and Kwai Tsing is a concerted effort between HKCSS, local social service partners, members of the community, government, public organisations and academia. We hope these findings are able to inform the public about social inclusion and diversity, the exclusion faced by the EM community members, and with that to act for building a more inclusive and diversified home for all of us. Download。 ...

2023 – 2024 Research Brief – Issue 4: 4th Annual Conference on Policy Research and Advocacy, with the topic on The Power of Research in Different Positions: Adaptation, Development, Innovation

In order to get the practitioners of the sector informed of the Council’s latest research findings and recommendations, the Council has endeavored to publish Research Brief from time to time. A new Research Briefs Issue 4 for the year of 2023-2024 have just been published, introducing 4th Annual Conference on Policy Research and Advocacy, with the topic on The Power of Research in Different Positions: Adaptation, Development, Innovation. We invited and engaged social workers, academia and other professionals to share their experiences and thoughts on their works and explore how research can support service development in the sector. For further enquiries of conference, please contact the respective officer using the contact information provided in the Research Brief. Please feel free to access the latest research (Chinese only) conducted by the Council Issue 4: 4th Annual Conference on Policy Research and Advocacy, with the topic on The Power of Research in Different Positions: Adaptation, Development, Innovation. For enquiries on collection of research information and our publications, please contact Miss Connie Chen by email [email protected] or at 2864 2963 ...

2023-2024 Research Brief – Issue 3:Physical activity level of older adults living in Hong Kong community

In order to get the practitioners to know the latest research findings and recommendations of the sector in a precise and concise manner, the Council has endeavored to publish Research Brief from time to time. In each issue of Research Brief for the year of 2023-2024, we select an issue of concern of the sector and review and discuss the recent related research studies. We have selected “Physical activity level of older adults living in Hong Kong community” as the topic of Issue 3. By summarizing related research, including background of the core issue, characteristics of the target group, and recommendation for service development and policy making, readers are able to capture the key findings for reference. Please feel free to access the latest research (Chinese only): Issue 3: Physical activity level of older adults living in Hong Kong community For enquiries on collection of research information and our publications, please contact Miss Connie CHEN by email [email protected] or at 2864 2963. Thank you ...


近年政府策劃在劏房較集中的社區設立社區客廳,香港社會服務聯會(社聯)透過問卷調查訪問了480個劏房住戶,了解他們對社區客廳的需求及期望,結果發現劏房住戶都需要透過這些共享生活空間改善期生活質素,然而社區客廳設施必須設於其居所15分鐘的步程以內,才能便利其生活所需,而不同種類住戶亦需要不類型的社區客廳。例如有兒童的住戶需要溫習的空間,而成人的住戶則需要淋浴或社區飯堂等設施。 社聯認為可以把劏房密集的社區進一步分為不同小區,透過研究了解不同小區的需要,以衛星站的形式設立與該小區特色相應的社區客廳。 調查詳情 ...
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