活動快訊 -《第三屆政策研究及倡議會議 : 新時代的倡議路向》已圓滿舉行

社聯舉辦的《第三屆政策研究及倡議會議 : 新時代的倡議路向》 (會議)已於3月22日圓滿舉行,吸引逾120位業界同工出席。本屆會議希望藉業界同工分享就現今倡議環境的挑戰和機遇,共同探討未來倡議工作的策略和路向。 本屆會議邀請了多位講者分享在新時代背景下,業界同工及非政府組織在倡議工作上可變革的角色和定位,並分享中港兩地的倡議經驗洞見。中大社工系副教授黃洪分享現在社會工作者需要轉型,由以往向服務使用者提供服務的模式,轉變成為共同創造的伙伴盟友,建立新的社會關係。而且,為了應對現今社會複雜多變的議題,黃教授認為跨專業,甚至是貫專業(跨專業及資源整合模式)的協作更為重要。前運房局長、教大亞洲及政策研究學系顧問張炳良以公共政策角度,分享非政府組織在新時代下的角色。他在總結時表示非政府組織及民間社會在每個年代都有角色及可為之事。在線上參與的雲南連心基金會陸德泉博士則以中國雲南連心行動的研究,分享中國的社會工作實踐與倡導反思,培養在地的服務,而同時跟大氣候對接,包括政府方針及其他社會議題。 而在倡議經驗分享方面,香港明愛勞動友善社區計劃、香港社會服務聯會 (兒童及青少年服務)及全港關注劏房平台均分別就清潔勞工權益、青少年精神健康,以及劏房居民福祉等議題,闡述他們在倡議過程中的思考、困難及解決方法。 社聯感謝各位嘉賓的分享及參加者的支持,希望在未來的倡議路上,繼續同行共創,推動社會服務發展。歡迎按此參閱講者發言簡報檔及活動花絮。 ...

Invitation to participate Seminar “Primary Healthcare Blueprint Sharing”

The government has just released the ‘Primary Healthcare Blueprint’ (Blueprint) in December 2022, proposing policy recommendations and objectives to improve the overall health status of the population, provide accessible and coherent healthcare services, and establish a sustainable healthcare system. Many initiatives are highly related to social welfare sector’s work. The stakeholder is also very concerned about the service development, and patients’ access to health services after the primary healthcare system reformed. Hence, the Council is going to organize a seminar, titled “Seminar on Primary Healthcare Blueprint Sharing. We have highlighted and summarized key agenda of “blueprint” for discussion. It helps workers to gain a deeper understanding of the relevant contents, and facilitate exchange of views. Details of the sharing are as follow: Date:  19th April, 2023 Time: 15:00 – 17:00 Venue: Room 202, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai Targets:  Agency Member Language: Cantonese Quota: 25 people Please register online on or before 17th April 2023 (Monday). If you have any enquiries, please call 2864 2963 or email [email protected] to contact Ms Connie CHEN, Officer of Policy Research and Advocacy of the Council. We look forward to your participation. Thank you very much! Download Memorandum ...

3rd Annual Conference on Policy Research and Advocacy cum Advocate With All Your Might: Advocacy Exchange (March 22nd 2023 Wednesday)

The Hong Kong Council of Social Service is committed to the promotion of service and policy development through research and advocacy. In the past years, the Council has organized conferences and workshops in the theme of research or advocacy to introduce evidence-based practice and different advocacy strategies. Through sharing local frontline experiences, we hope to promote knowledge transfer in the sector. This year the Council is initiating the 3rd Annual Conference on Policy Research and Advocacy, with the topic on Advocacy in the New Era. On the same day afternoon, sharing session titled Advocate With All Your Might: Advocacy Exchange will be held to connect advocates from various background and expertise. We would like to invite and engage social workers, academia and other professionals to share their experiences and thoughts on their works and future opportunities of advocacy for change in society. Event details as followed: Date       : 22nd March 2023 (Wednesday) Time       : Conference 1000-1300   Advocacy Exchange  1400-1645 (Full and thank you for your support) Venue     : Auditorium, 1/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Bldg, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai Language : Cantonese   Event Fee : Free     If you are interested in the event, please do online registration on or before 15th March, ...

Invitation to participate Symposium “Medical-Social Collaboration – Insights from the Primary Healthcare Blueprint” co-organized by HKCSS & HKCFP

Invitation to participate Symposium "Medical-Social Collaboration - Insights from the Primary Healthcare Blueprint" co-organized by HKCSS & HKCFP The government has just released the ‘Primary Healthcare Blueprint’ in December 2022, proposing policy recommendations and objectives to improve the overall health status of the population, provide accessible and coherent healthcare services, and establish a sustainable healthcare system. The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (the Council) has always been concerned about the development of primary healthcare services and policies to promote public health, and hopes to put forward feasible suggestions. In order to promote the exchange of opinions on the above policies in the sector and across professional sectors, the Council and the Hong Kong College of Family Physicians (HKCFP) is going to co-organize a symposium titled "Medical-Social Collaboration - Insights from the Primary Healthcare Blueprint" on March 17, inviting government officials, members of the Primary Healthcare Development Steering Committee, professionals from the social service and healthcare sector, to discuss on the contents of the Primary Healthcare Blueprint. The symposium will also have a floor-speaking discussion session. Details of the meeting are as follows: Date: 17th March, 2023 Time: 1:45– 3:15pm Venue: Room 202, 2/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, ...

Invitation to help recruit and assist eligible interviewees to participate in the “Study on Old Age Lives of Singletons and Doubletons Elderly in Hong Kong”

The Hong Kong Council of Social Service is currently conducting the “Study on Old Age Lives of Singletons and Doubletons Elderly in Hong Kong”, which aims to understand the physical and mental wellbeing, social network, long term care needs of singleton and doubleton elderly through evidence-based research. We cordially invite your organization and service unit to help recruit and assist eligible interviewees to participate in the study. First 500 participants who complete the entire survey will receive a $50 restaurant cash coupon as gratitude. Eligibility 1.    Hong Kong residents who are 65-84 years old, could understand Cantonese or Mandarin, or could read Chinese 2.    Currently living alone or living with spouse only 3.    Not reside in elderly homes How to participate in the study 1. Self-administered online survey (available in Chinese only) It is greatly appreciated if service units could invite and assist eligible interviewees to take part in the study by filling in the online survey: https://bit.ly/3Y5ddc8 Or if service unit could help fill in the online survey for multiple eligible interviewees, please use this link instead: https://bit.ly/3RhlXtM 2.    Participate in the survey through telephone interview (in Chinese only) Eligible interviewees could also choose to make an appointment for telephone interview to ...
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