“Life Chat” Exhibition

Due to the legislation of advance medical directive, more and more life and death education and the promotion of advance care planning happen in the community. Community end-of-life care services is also developed. Nevertheless, researches indicate that the public still lacks awareness of ADM and end of life care services; Besides, in Chinese society, the public generally thinks that the above care planning is equivalent to end of life discussion, making them unwilling to discuss with other family members, or cannot find a suitable moment for discussion. In light of this, HKCSS will hold an exhibition event called "Life Chat" to encourage public discussions about the need of life management, and to change the perception of end-of-life care planning. The exhibition will engage six regional service organizations to showcase their services and establish a care network within the Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing communities. Additionally, various stakeholders are invited to host seminars that share information about resources about community care and life and death education, helping the public understand how to manage their own and their families' lives, thereby enhancing quality of life. The Details of The Event: Date: 7th-8th December 2024 (Saturday and Sunday) Time: 10:00am – 19:00pm Venue: D∙PARK ...


每個人的生命歷程都不一樣,但隨著年歲的變化,我們會逐漸衰老。平日我們大多數忙於工作,或許很少關注自己或家人健康的情況。 當自己或家人面對突如其來的身體轉變,我們頓時感到束手無策。因此,我們需要適時撥出時間,關心自己及家人。 計劃及管理好自己的生命,既為了準備應對自己及/或家人的未來,同時亦為了活好當下,有更完滿人生,及晚期生活質素。 現時香港未有一套適用於不同成年人的全港性未來照顧計劃。香港社會服務聯會倡議一套自主照顧及人生計劃,強調自主管理自己的健康以及其他對生命重要的事情。為此,我們建立生命管理及照顧資訊平台,整理有助大眾作生命管理及照顧的服務資訊,以及提高大眾對生命管理的意識。 詳情可參與計劃網站 https://compassionatecommunity.org.hk/ 計劃由香港公益金資助 ...

Recruitment for Research Study on Bereaved Family Members’ Perspectives on End of Life Care (only Chinese Version)

Palliative and End of Life care services have received attention in recent years in our local community. To better understand the development of these services and identify areas for improvement, the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, in collaboration with the Nethersole School of Nursing at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, will conduct a research study on the perspectives of bereaved family members regarding end of life care. This study aims to gather insights from family members about end of life care services and support, with the goal of enhancing the related provisions. We sincerely invite family members who have provided care for a deceased relative in the past 12 months to participate in individual interviews. The details of the interviews are as follows: Target Participants:Individuals who have looked after a deceased family member in the past 12 months. Interview Method:Around one-hour individual interview, primarily focused on participants sharing their experiences and suggestions regarding the end of life care received by their deceased loved ones. The interview location can be discussed and arranged accordingly. Registration:Call 3943 5014 or WhatsApp 4449 3949 to register with the researchers from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. For any inquiries regarding this research, ...

紓緩及晚期照顧服務資訊 – 第七期:台灣的預立醫療照護諮商

香港面對人口老化,末期疾病患者持續增加,近年紓緩及晚期照顧服務愈見重要。為了維護病人的自主權及提高臨終病人的生活質素,政府將會在今年就預設醫療指示及病人在居處離世落實立法建議。為協助業界認識相關議題及其對服務發展帶來的影響,本會出版「紓緩及晚期照顧服務資訊」,從不同角度及層面討論相關的議題。 「紓緩及晚期照顧服務資訊」第七期主題為「台灣的預立醫療照護諮商」(請參閱附件),介紹了台灣的預立醫療照護諮商。透過了解其發展背景、各持份者的角色、政策的成效、以及其中面對的挑戰及限制等等,我們總結了一些觀察重點。 如對是次資訊有任何查詢或意見,請與本會政策研究及倡議程序幹事莊小姐(電話:2876 2445;電郵:[email protected])或主任關先生(電話:2876 2435;電郵:[email protected])聯絡,謝謝! 附件: 紓緩及晚期照顧服務資訊第七期:台灣的預立醫療照護諮商 ...

Invitation to “Case Sharing and Seminar on Employment Support Service”

Vulnerable groups face various employment difficulties in the job market, and the social welfare sector has been committed to providing employment services to different disadvantaged groups. The employment services provided vary depending on the characteristics of different groups. This seminar aims to explore how to strengthen employment support services for vulnerable groups. Through sharing different service approaches, we will discuss the roles and functions of the social welfare sector in employment services, as well as the career development and employment counseling services provided to different disadvantaged groups. Details are as follows: Date: 30th July, 2024 Time: 14:00-17:00 Venue: Room 202, 2/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai Targets: Agency Member Language: Cantonese Quota: 50 people If you are interested, please register online on or before 19th July, 2024 (Friday). If you have any enquiries, please call 2876 2425 or email [email protected] to contact Mr. Ha, Officer of Policy Research and Advocacy of the Council. We look forward to your participation. Thank you very much! Rundown ...
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