Crisis Management 2.0: Establishing a Flexible Response Framework

In light of the constantly evolving social landscape, the governing bodies of NGOs require a robust and established mechanism to effectively address sudden and unexpected situations as well as crises in a timely manner. Following the positive reception of our previous event, the Council invites Dr. Li Chan Wing, a media veteran, to revisit the "MNOPQR" crisis management checklist and explore the practical application of the 5Ws1H technique. Additionally, he will conduct a thorough analysis of noteworthy cases, providing valuable insights into the latest trends and strategies in crisis management. Furthermore, Dr. Li will introduce two advanced crisis management approaches, namely CCIC (Command, Control, Intelligence, Communication) and MRRPP (Mitigate, Recover, Respond, Prevent, Prepare). These methods will assist NGOs in responding to a myriad of challenges with increased flexibility and a multi-dimensional perspective. Highlights of the Seminar: - Key principles of crisis management - Analysis of prominent cases and underlying issues in NGO governance - Introduction of advanced crisis management methods Highlights of the Group Discussions: - Effective application of the 5Ws1H technique - Case studies and group discussions - Exchange of experiences in crisis management Details of the event are as follows: Date: 16 October 2024 (Wednesday) Time: 1. Seminar ...

Learning Platform on NGO Governance and Management | The Risks of NGO Staff Misconduct: When might an NGO or its directors be held legally responsible? (1 Aug 2024)

  The legal doctrine of vicarious liability means that employers may be held liable for the misconduct of employees in the course of their employment. In recent years, NGOs have become increasingly concerned about risks related to staff misconduct, and how it may lead to legal liability for the NGO and/or its directors. The Council has collaborated with PILnet and DLA Piper to explain, using a series of case studies: (1) the potential liability of NGOs and their directors for staff misconduct; and (2) what best practices NGOs can adopt to limit such liability.   Details of the event are as follows:    Date: 1 August 2024 (Thursday)    Time: 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm    Speakers: DLA Piper - Mr. Leo Cheng, Partner - Mr. Rodney Ko, Of Counsel - Mr. Desmond Cheung, Of Counsel    Language: Cantonese (with presentation materials in English)    The webinar will be conducted online via Zoom.    Target participants: Board / Committee Members, Agency Heads, and Senior Management of HKCSS Agency Members   Interested parties, please register online by 24 July 2024. Successful registrants will be notified by email on or before 25 July 2024.    For enquiries, please contact the Project team at ...

Empowering NGOs through Effective Information Technology Governance: From Initiation to Implementation (10 July 2024)

To help NGOs better understand and uphold good information technology (IT) governance and standard for NGOs long-term development, the NGO Governance team of the Council will co-organize with the Information Technology Resource Centre (ITRC) to conduct the sharing session. This event aims to provide a platform for exchange between experienced IT professionals and NGO governing bodies in respect of effective initiation and implementation of IT governance.    Highlights of the event: - Concerns on how the NGOs kick off IT governance engineering - Experience sharing of NGO which is undergoing IT transformation - Promote sound practices of IT governance through sharing    Details of the event are as follows:    Date: 10 July 2024 (Wednesday)  Time: 2:30 pm - 5:00 pm  Venue: Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai    Speakers: - Mr. Frank Chow, Vice-Chairperson, Professional Information Security Association - Ms. Josephine Lee, MH, Chief Executive, St. James Settlement    Language: Cantonese (presentation materials in English)    Target participants: Board / Committee Members, Agency Heads, and Senior Management of HKCSS Agency Members    Interested parties, please register online by 18 June 2024. Successful registrants will be notified by email on or before 19 June 2024.    ...

The Golden Key to Unlock Good Governance: Legal Consciousness (27 June 2024)

Building upon the success of the previous collaborative seminar, the Council and Mayer Brown will organize a series of events designed to empower NGO governance teams and cultivate legal consciousness. We are now hosting a networking luncheon specifically designed to equip board and committee members with the right mindset to spot and flag potential legal issues in their governance work. It also serves as a dynamic platform for expanding professional networks and fostering a vibrant exchange of knowledge between these two vital fields. Highlights of the Event: - Engage in interactive discussions and mutual learning during the networking lunch - Acquire the right mindset in spotting potential legal issues to fulfill the role as a board / committee member - Forge valuable connections between the legal and non-profit sectors Details of the event are as follows: Date: 27 June 2024 (Thursday) Time: 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm Venue: Prince’s Building, 10 Chater Road, Central Language: Cantonese and English Quota: 30 persons Target participants: Board / Committee Members of HKCSS agency members* *Priority will be given to Board and Committee Members with less than 3 years of service, on a first-come, first-served basis. Each NGO may send up to 2 representatives ...

Must Know Legal Issues for NGO Management (29 April 2024)

The Hong Kong Council of Social Service and Mayer Brown co-organize an insightful legal seminar on two pivotal topics impacting NGOs: anonymous donations and intellectual property issues. The event will provide the opportunity to explore the intricacies of the related legal challenges, empowering the board members and senior management of the NGOs to make informed decisions, while also discovering effective strategies to mitigate associated risks and safeguard their organization.    Highlights of the Event: - Valuable insights from Mayer Brown's legal professionals - Explore anonymous donations and intellectual property challenges for informed decisions - Discover strategies to mitigate risks and protect your organization - Dynamic sharing session adds perspective to the insights gained   Details of the event are as follows:    Date: 29 April 2024 (Monday)   Time: 2:30 pm - 5:00 pm    Venue: Prince's Building, 10 Chater Road Central Hong Kong   Speakers: - Mr. Alan Linning, Partner of Mayer Brown - Mayer Brown Legal Team   Language: Cantonese and English (presentation materials in English)   Quota: - Seminar: 40 persons - Sharing Session: 40 persons (Priority will be given to those Board Members and Senior Management of NGOs enrolling in both sessions.)   Target participants: Board and ...
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