Application Arrangement for 2024/25 “Caring Company Scheme”
Updates of Caring Company Scheme Patron Members’ Update Social Agendas Application Arrangement for 2024/25 "Caring Company Scheme" The "Caring Company Scheme" is currently undergoing review to ensure its alignment with market trends and the sustainable development needs of our society. This revamp will be conducted in multiple phases. Phase One has already commenced, focusing on evaluating and enhancing the application mechanism, procedures, and the online application system. Phase Two, scheduled for 2025, will address aspects such as the assessment criteria and recognition system. As part of these revamp efforts, the application period for the 2024/25 "Caring Company Scheme" will be extended until the first quarter of 2025. Detailed information regarding the application process and related arrangements will be announced in the fourth quarter of 2024. However, the calculation period for activities will remain unchanged, covering the entirety of the year 2024. Please stay updated for the latest announcements. Patron Members’ Update Link Asset Management Limited Established by Link, Link Sustainability Lab is a public educational platform to promote sustainable living and business model Read more The Kowloon Motor Bus (1933) Co. Ltd. KMB launches 15 Audio Bus Stops in Sham Shui Po to assist visually impaired passengers ...
SE Directory – Newly-joined SEs (March-April 2024)
《社企指南》 由香港社會服務聯會所營運的《社企指南》,羅列不同社會企業(社企)的資料供公眾查閱,讓企業及大眾認識更多本地社企產品及服務。《社企指南》獲香港特別行政區政府支持及認可,是各政府部門、公營機構、企業及院校履行責任採購的重要參考資料。 列載於《社企指南》的社企涵蓋不同業務性質。歡迎利用《社企指南》網上搜尋器,隨時隨地搜尋所需的產品及服務。 SE Directory Managed by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, the Social Enterprise Directory (SE Directory) facilitates public access to social enterprise (SE) information in Hong Kong, aiming to promote their products and services to a wider audience. The SE Directory is supported and recognised by the HKSAR Government. It also has long been serving as an important reference material for advocating responsible consumption across government departments, public organizations, corporations and educational institutions. The SEs listed in SE Directory cover a wide range of business natures. You are welcome to search for SE products and services through SE Directory online search engine anytime, anywhere. 於2024年3-4月加入《社企指南》的社企單位 SE Directory newly-joined SE units in March - April 2024 社企單位名稱 Name of SE unit 簡介 Introduction DunDum Solutions Group 更多詳情 More details 東登環創集團為企業客戶提供可持續發展的商業解決方案。 創辦自2015年,以環保社會企業起步,當時被命名為DunDum Limited,意指“DONT DUMP”,即「不要浪費有限資源」,以表對環保推動的熱愛和決心,為企業客戶提供回收、升級再造和綠色技術實施的一站式解決方案。集團現在已涉足更廣泛的業務範圍,涵蓋三大支柱: 1) 可持續發展、2) 生物科技、 3) 教育與創新。相關服務包括:辦公家具回收及轉售服務、環保物流及清場服務、可持續發展/ESG 顧問 (策略與實施)、綠色科技顧問(研發與應用)、環保品牌 (營銷與策略)等。 DunDum Solutions Group provides business solutions for corporates to implement Sustainability. Started out as an eco-social enterprise in 2015, we were then named DunDum Limited, i.e. "dont dump limited", to symbolize our deep passion in environmental protection. We offer one stop solution on recycling, upcycling and green technologies implementation ...
The “Caring Company Scheme” 2024/25 Nomination Arrangement – Scheduled to commence in the first quarter of 2025
Thanks to the support from companies, organisations and various stakeholders, there were approximately 5,300 nominations being received in the Caring Company Nomination 2023/24. Out of these, 4,210 companies and organisations have been successfully awarded the "Caring Company" or "Caring Organisation" logos. Entering into 2024, the "Caring Company Scheme" has already been organized for 22 years, we recognise the growing global attention towards sustainable development and the increasing expectations towards the business sector to raise its commitment and participation. In response, we are committed to reviewing, optimizing and formulating the Scheme’s future direction with the goal to maintain the relevancy of the Scheme in accordance to market trends and evolving needs of our society in terms of sustainable development. Furthermore, we seek to play a leading role in collaborating with stakeholders on this sustainability journey. The revamping process will be executed in phases. Phase One, scheduled for 2024, will focus on enhancing the application mechanism, nomination procedures, and the functionality of the online nomination system. Phase Two, set for 2025, will address aspects such as assessment criteria and the recognition mechanism, among others. Consequently, we plan to extend the open period of the Caring Company applications/nominations for the 2024/25 until the first ...
「商界展關懷」計劃革新 及 2024/25年度提名安排
「商界展關懷」計劃至今已經舉辦了22年。隨著全球各國對可持續發展的日益重視,我們將參考調查結果報告,檢視計劃內容,優化及制定計劃的未來發展方向,以緊貼市場趨勢及配合社會的可持續發展,並繼續引領各持分者在可持續發展的路程上更進一步。 計劃的革新將分階段進行。第一階段將於2024年內進行,包括計劃的申請機制及流程、以及網上系統的功能提升。而評審準則及標誌嘉許制度等將於第二階段(2025年)進行。 因此,本年度的「商界展關懷」計劃將延至2025年第一季開放予公司及機構申請/提名。有關詳情將於2024年第四季或之前公布,敬請密切留意我們的最新消息。 我們期待與社會各持分者透過「商界展關懷」計劃繼續同行共創,攜手構建關愛共融的永續社會。 特別鳴謝以下機構支持「商界展關懷」計劃,協助我們向其持分者推廣計劃的問卷調查活動(排名不分先後): 01 Tech Limited、etnet經濟通、商界環保協會、環境社會治理公會、騰龍青年商會 (國際青年商會香港總會成員)、九龍金域扶輪社及中小企可持續發展學會。 ...
「商界展關懷」計劃2023/24:伙伴連繫暨計劃調查結果發布活動已於2024年5月3日、S+高峰會暨博覽期間順利舉行,衷心感謝當日所有出席的「商界展關懷」企業及「同心展關懷」機構代表蒞臨參與S+的各項活動。 「商界展關懷」計劃(下稱「計劃」)曾於去年11月進行大規模的問卷調查,以了解不同持分者對計劃的看法及期望。我們很高興獲得接近2,000位持分者對計劃的未來方向表達寶貴意見。是次調查結果於5月3日活動當日首度公開發布,歡迎點擊以下連結觀看或重溫調查結果內容,及了解更多計劃的未來展望。 行政總裁致歡迎辭(00:05)│ 計劃調查結果發布(09:15)│ 計劃展望(26:38) ...