【新聞稿2022年7月11日】香港社會服務聯會(社聯)第三個「組合社會房屋計劃」-業成街項目(葵涌業成街5-7號)命名為「業成6號」,預期本年11月入伙,現正接受申請。社聯委託香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心為營運機構,為長期輪候公屋(不少於三年)或居住在不適切住房的基層市民,提供適切的社會服務及可負擔的過渡性社會房屋,回應基層住屋需要。 「業成6號」提供116個單位,包括 91個「一人單位」、24個「二人單位」及 1個「無障礙單位」,預計約140名基層市民受惠;單位面積由140至209平方呎不等,每個單位設有獨立洗手間及使用電磁爐的煮食空間,以及提供冷氣機、電熱水爐及抽氣扇等設備。再者,每個住戶亦會獲中華電力有限公司提供上限2,000元的資助以購買符合能源效益之電器。 社聯行政總裁蔡海偉先生表示,「業成6號」是葵青區首個組合社會房屋項目,特別感謝房屋局(前運房局)、發展局及地政總署等不同政策局及政府部門,由項目策劃至建造期間提供各方面的支持,令項目順利推展。作為項目之營運機構,香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心將推行『麥匯●業成』計劃,未來數年為住戶提供社會服務。 香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心的「麥匯●業成」計劃,結合機構的多元支援社會服務及地區協作力量,並以低碳綠色生活及社區健康為服務主題,協助居於惡劣環境的基層人士及家庭改善居住與生活環境、促進身心健康、提升個人能力及擴闊社會網絡,並透過設立「參與式管理」,促進基層社群間的互助以回饋社區。 香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心總幹事吳煜明先生表示:「『麥匯●業成』計劃住宿費用相宜,地點位處市區,交通便利,能滿足居於環境惡劣居所的人士或家庭的迫切住屋需要。機構一直致力為區內有特別需要的基層社群,提供多元化及全方位的社會支援服務,機構將運用這些豐碩的社會服務經驗及地區網絡優勢來推動今次計劃,協助居住在劏房等不適切居所人士提升能力和改善生活,達致促進互助以回饋社區的社會效益。」 申請詳情: 項目供年滿18歲或以上的香港居民申請,申請人必須現正居於不適切居所及輪候公屋達3年或以上,或有迫切住屋需要,並須符合其他申請資格及通過面試。成功獲批入住的住戶預計於本年11月入伙,住宿期最多長達3年。 項目由本年7月11日(星期一)開始接受申請,8月12日(星期五)截止,並設有簡介會,有興趣參加的公眾人士、社福機構及地區團體可於網頁報名。如欲了解更多詳情,可瀏覽 https://socialhousing.skhlmc.org 或致電 2616 0766 / 2423 5062。 下載附件 香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心: 香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心於1973年成立,為非牟利社會服務機構,專為葵青及荃灣區之居民提供適切及多元化的社會服務,並以「社區建設、社區照顧、社區健康、建立社會資本和社會融和」為服務目標,在2017年4月開始由香港聖公會福利協會有限公司擁有。歡迎瀏覽機構網頁 http://www.skhlmc.org 社聯「組合社會房屋計劃」: 「組合社會房屋計劃」是一個由香港社會服務聯會(社聯)策劃及統籌,在政府支持下,由撥款機構、商業公司、社福機構及社會企業合力推動的過渡性社會房屋項目。計劃善用閒置用地及利用組裝合成建築技術興建組合屋,為長期輪候公屋或居住在惡劣環境的基層市民提供可負擔的過渡性社會房屋,以改善基層街坊的生活質素。在提供過渡性社會房屋的同時,計劃亦注入社會服務以回應基層所需,由非牟利機構或社會企業管理及提供社區網絡和支援服務,協助基層住戶改變貧窮和社會孤立的處境。歡迎瀏覽計劃網頁 www.modularsocialhousing.org.hk 傳媒查詢: 王馥雅小姐 楊德威先生 香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心 香港社會服務聯會 團體及社區工作部 部門主任 企業傳訊主任 電話:2423 5062 電話:2876 2474 電郵:[email protected] 電郵 : [email protected] 陳清華先生 香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心 高級服務協調主任 電話:2423 5064 Apple iMessage: [email protected] 電郵:[email protected] ...
HKCSS Tender Notice –Modular Social Housing Project – Call for proposals for Yip Shing Street project (Deadline: 26th November, 2021)
Modular Social Housing Project is a social housing project launched by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service with the supported by the Government and the joint efforts of Transport and Housing Bureau, Development Bureau, The Community Care Fund, private companies, and NGOs/social enterprises. The project adopts modular integrated construction approach to building transitional social housing on idle land available for short-term usage in an efficient, economical and environmentally friendly way. The objective of the Project is, through the provision of transitional accommodation and support services, to improve the quality of life for those who have been waiting for the public rental housing for at least 3 years while living in indecent housing units. While providing transitional social housing, the project recruits NGOs/social enterprises to manage and provide community network building and support services so as to improve residents’ social capital and develop their capacity for living independently in the community. NGOs and social enterprises interested in providing innovative social housing services and/or in becoming our recognized service operator are welcome to submit a proposal. Particularly, the proposal is expected to suggest a way to organize residents to create a new service in response to the needs of residents and ...
“Transitional Housing Seminar”:Sharing Project Management Experience and Exploring Requirement and Specification of Transitional Social Housing
Transitional housing has become as one of the new housing initiatives since 2018. A number of transitional housing projects have been proposed and being implemented thereafter. Projects include social housing in privately owned vacant residential buildings, using “Modular Integrated Construction” method to construct transitional housing on vacant government lands and privately owned lands, converting vacant school premises to transitional housing and using hotels and guesthouse as transitional housing. And more and more non-governmental organizations (NGOs) participate into transitional social housing projects. Each project has various challenges, affecting their design and operation. In order to enhance the capacity of NGOs to prepare the execution of transitional housing project, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service is going to hold a seminar named “Opportunities and Challenges of implementing transitional housing projects” on 28 October 2021. Representatives of NGOs undertaking transitional housing projects are invited to share their experience from preparation, site study, and local consultation to project design, construction management and housing operation, and discuss the users’ requirement, design principle and specification of transitional social housing. The Council members are invited to participate. The details of the seminar are as follows: Transitional Housing Seminar: Opportunities and Challenges of implementing transitional housing ...
Modular Social Housing Project – Service Operator Recruitment Briefing for Yip Shing Street project
Modular Social Housing Project is a social housing project launched by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service with the supported by the Government and the joint efforts with private companies, and NGOs/social enterprises. The project adopts modular integrated construction approach to building transitional social housing on idle land available for short-term usage in an efficient, economical and environmentally friendly way. The objective of the Project is, through the provision of transitional accommodation and support services, to improve the quality of life for those who have been waiting for the public rental housing for at least 3 years while living in indecent housing units. While providing transitional social housing, the project recruits NGOs/social enterprises to manage and provide community network building and support services so as to improve residents’ social capital and develop their capacity for living independently in the community. The construction work for our third project in Yip Sing Street has commenced, and is expected to finish in mid-2022. We are now starting our process of recruitment of Service Operator. We would like to invite all pre-qualified service operators to attend the briefing session scheduled for 23rd September 2021. Details of the briefing session are as followed: Date: ...
The New Social Housing Book –《住:以人為主—— 社會房屋共生實踐》(Living: People-centred Co-living Practice of Social Housing) is now officially launched
What is “Living”? Under the distorted housing market, Hong Kong People, especially the grassroots, are living in a housing environment which is increasingly unaffordable albeit dwindling living space. There is little they can do to improve their living space and livelihood. The Hong Kong Council of Social Service has published a new book (in Chinese) on social housing entitled 《住:以人為主——社會房屋共生實踐》(Living: People-centred Co-living Practice of Social Housing). Based on 10 stories of social housing residents, elucidating 10 unique experiences of living, this book genuinely recollects and reflects on the process, experience, challenges and inspirations of a local housing experiment of "Housing x Social Service", redefines the meaning of living and housing, and explores alternative ways for the provision of affordable housing apart from the public and private housing. The book is now officially launched. The cover price is HKD 88. You are invited to purchase the book at the point of sales listed below: List of point of sales*: (1) Hong Kong Reader Bookstore Address: 7F, 68 Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Mong Kok Opening Hours: 12pm to 10pm (2) Art and Culture Outreach Address: 14/F, Foo Tak Building, 365-367 Hennessy Road, Wanchai Opening Hours: 12pm to 7pm, every Tuesday to Sunday (3) Luck Win Book Store ...