Change of redemption point of Social Enterprise Gift Certificate
Good Goods Social Enterprise Concept Store will stop doing business at 29 Feb 2020. The redemption point of Social Enterprise Gift Certificate (GC) will be tentatively moved to Room 1002, 10/F, The Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Rd., Hong Kong, from Mon to Fri, 10am to 6pm (except public holiday), starting from 1 March. Due to the arrangement of home office under the coronavirus, the normal working date will be 1 March temperately, we will update on our facebook and website if there are any changes. Sorry for the inconveniences! Good Goods will continue to support the development of social enterprise. We will focus on three projects - SE Gift Certificate, CSR event and seasonal products procurement. Thank you for your support and you may purchase or use GC to support other social enterprises or our CSR events, seasonal products, procurement of products on our developing website in the future. Please contact 2864 2903 Andy Chan or send email to [email protected] for further enquiries ...
如何成為關鍵意見領袖(KOLs)──對NGOs 的啟示 (2020年3月27日)
立即查閱HKCSS Institute最新課程/活動/文章推介! 如未能正常顯示電郵內容,請按這裡。 If this email does not display properly, click here. 轉寄分享 | 訂閱電子通訊 | 如何成為關鍵意見領袖(KOLs)──對NGOs 的啟示 The making of KOLs - Implications to NGOs 簡介 關鍵意見領袖(KOL) 是指在互聯網上特別有影響力的人,多數透過網上社交平台定期發佈特定主題的內容,並累積了 大量網民訂閱及關注。而KOL 是現今宣傳的一大趨勢,明白成為KOL 之條件,及配合合適的推廣策略,有助達到理 想的宣傳效果。此趨勢又可以如何幫助NGO 呢? 內容 認識、選擇及跨平台運用社交媒體 如何成為Youtube 的合作夥伴? 如何以手機短片有效捕捉觀眾的眼球? 善用Chatbot(聊天機器人)增加互動及Instagram Stories(限時動態)的運用 逐步打造成為KOL及其管理模式 實例分享及對NGO的啟示 課程詳情 課程編號: 19B-25 日期:2020年3月27日(星期五) 時間: 1400-1700 (3小時) 地點: 香港灣仔軒尼詩道15號溫莎公爵社會服務大廈 對象: 中心督導主任、服務經理及管理人員 名額:30人 授課語言:粵語 (以英語輔助) 費用:$570, 社聯會員機構職員費用:$530 (如於2020年3月6日或之前繳款,每位$460) 以傳真或電郵報名 網上報名 【NGO數碼營銷─Facebook專頁更多人睇、更多人Like的小要抉】 「冇咁多資源落廣告但係又想專頁可以接觸到更加多嘅人?」相信這是不少負責經營機構Facebook專頁的「小編」,不論是新推出或營運已有一段日子的專頁的同工都會存有的疑慮。 查閱更多 講員 鄧明儀女士 親子網mameshare(分享媽) 創辦人 鄧女士為親子網mameshare(分享媽)創辦人、親子專欄作家、兼職 大學講師,她獲得香港市務學會頒發的 KOL Marketer of the Year in Parenthood。筆迹見於《mameshare》、《am730》、《都市日報》、《立 場新聞》等多個媒體。曾任職《明報》、《香港經濟日報》、《壹週刊》、《讀 者文摘》等各大傳媒機構, 2007 年為《TVB》主持資訊節目《事必關己》, 及後於2011 年初為《晴報》創刊並擔任助理總編輯至2015 年底。鄧 女士的出版著作有《出路》、《甚麼是快樂》、《回歸。十年。人事》、《幸 福非必然》、《天無晴、人有情》、《致勝點》、《我們都是這樣愛》、《世上 無難事》、《尋找第一份工》等等。鄧女士亦是浸會大學傳理系文學碩士 ( 主修傳媒研究)。 *以上課程獲「小型機構能力發展津貼計劃」資助,符合資格的小型非資助社福機構職員,如於2020年3月6日或之前成功申請可以二折學費 #報讀,每個課程名額為 5 個。 # 關於「小型機構能力發展津貼計劃」資助條件:凡申請者工作之機構年度經常開支少於一千萬港元,成功申請者可獲八成學費資助,即以二折學費報讀課程。 資助詳情 HKCSSI Facebook 觀看課程/活動花絮 HKCSSI Website 瀏覽其他課程資料 Share 分享/推薦此通訊 Email 聯絡HKCSS Institute 聯絡我們 Contact Us 香港灣仔軒尼詩道15號溫莎公爵社會服務大廈9樓906室 Room 906, 9/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong 電話 Tel: +852 2876 2470 傳真 Fax: +852 2876 2485 WhatsApp: +852 9159 8441 電郵 E-mail: [email protected] 網址 Website: 個人資料使用守則 Guideline for the Use of Personal Data 訂閱電子通訊 Subscribe 取消訂閱 Unsubscribe © 香港社會服務聯會 版權所有。歡迎轉載,請列明出處。 Copyright © HKCSS. All rights reserved. Welcome to reprint, please ...
Assistance Programme to Improve the Living Environment of Low-income Subdivided Unit Households – Service Operators – Open for Application
Application Period: Present to 12th March, 2020 Funded by the Community Care Fund (CCF), a total of HKD287.04 million has been allocated to the “Assistance Programme to Improve the Living Environment of Low-income Subdivided Unit Households” (The Programme). The Programme will operate for 2 years starting from the second quarter of 2020. It is administered by the Social Welfare Department and operated by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS), and will partner with non-governmental organisations to provide support services for the benefit of 24,000 SDU households. Partner NGOs will outreach to SDU households and help them improve their living environment through carrying out minor improvement/repair works, purchasing furniture and household goods as well as pest control services. The Programme also aims at providing SDU households with welfare information and easier access to community resources, as well as engaging volunteers so as to build mutual-care networks within local communities. You are cordially invited to be one of the service operators, please fill in the information by computer and submit the application form below in MS Word and PDF format to [email protected]. HKCSS will then organize an operation session regarding the overall workflow for service operators in early May, to understand more about ...
Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund) Briefing Session
Reappointed as Intermediary of the Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund in February 2020, the Hong Kong Council of Social Service launches Impact Incubator’s new programme. The Impact Incubator is a one-stop supporting platform that connects social innovation implementers (SIIs) to knowledge, resources and networks relevant to social welfare agencies, social enterprises, philanthropic foundations, business associations and professional bodies. The Impact Incubator also helps SIIs implement innovative solutions to poverty and social exclusion problems in Hong Kong and drive sustainable impact. In the five years from 2015 to early 2020, the Impact Incubator supported over 100 social innovation projects, which targeted more than 22,000 beneficiaries. The Impact Incubator also facilitated around HKD100 million grant funding on behalf of the Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund. Social innovation projects at late prototype, start-up, growing and scale-up stages are eligible to apply for the Impact Incubator. The application deadline of Impact Incubator is the end of Mar, June, September and December. The application deadline of the first cohort is 31 March 2020, 23:59. The funding amount of each social innovative projects depends on its stage. For application details, please visit our website and attend the briefing session as follows. Do you have ...
User-centered Design for Optimizing NGO User Experience (25 March 2020)
立即查閱HKCSS Institute最新課程/活動/文章推介! 如未能正常顯示電郵內容,請按這裡。 If this email does not display properly, click here. 轉寄分享 | 訂閱電子通訊 | User-centered Design for Optimizing NGO User Experience 以用戶主導的設計思維優化 NGO 用戶體驗 Objectives To understand the approach and importance of user-centered design, and its application in NGO service innovation To identify pain-points of service users in different service field Contents Staff-centered vs user-centered in NGO service scope Study and develop user-life cycle, user life-time value and user journey Case studies (Social innovation, Creative education, Youth Entrepreneurship and Online Outreach) Introduction and practice of tools for developing user-centered model for services Introduction to design thinking research methods Course Details Course Codes: 19B-24 Date: 25 March 2020 (Wednesday) Times: 0930-1700 (6 hours) Venue: Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Target Participants: NGO Managerial Staff & Supervisory Staff Class size: 30 each session Language: Cantonese (supplemented with English) Fees: $1,140 each session, $1,060 each session (Fees for HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only), Early Bird Fee: $920 each session (Payment received on/before 4 March 2020 for HKCSS Agency Member Staff Only) Apply via E-mail / Fax Online Application 【創新與執行管理研討會】 設計思維(Design Thinking)是由美國頂尖創新公司 IDEO 及史丹福大學所研發的創新方法,被譽為全球其中一個最有效推行創新的思考工具,近年亦在香港的工商及社福界進行廣泛討論甚至應用。 查閱更多 Trainer ...