
社福界一直推動家長教育,會舉辦不同類型及主題的家長教育活動。為讓公眾認識更多不同社會服務機構所舉辦的家長教育活動,香港社會服務聯會收集了部分機構有關資料。相關資料以全港18個行政區劃分,請按相關區域下載有關資料,如想了解更多舉辦家長教育活動的詳情,請聯絡相關機構。 如機構想更新服務資料,請以電郵︰[email protected] 聯絡同事跟進,謝謝﹗ 中西區 東區 南區 灣仔區 深水埗區 九龍城區 觀塘區 黃大仙區 油尖旺區 離島區 葵青區 北區 西貢區 沙田區 大埔區 荃灣區 屯門區 元朗區 ...

SWD Briefing Sessions on “Protecting Children from Maltreatment–Procedural Guide for Multi-disciplinary Co-operation”(保護兒童免受虐待–多專業合作程序指引)

Under the auspices of the Committee of Child Abuse, a task group with members from various professionals has been formed in late 2016 to review the Procedural Guide for Handling Child Abuse Cases (Revised 2015) (處理虐待兒童個案程序指引).  With the dedicated efforts of parties from various sectors who have contributed valuable comments in the draft versions, the review has been completed and the revised 保護兒童免受虐待--多專業合作程序指引 (Protecting Children from Maltreatment--Procedural Guide for Multi-disciplinary Co-operation) (the Guide) was endorsed by the Committee on Child Abuse in its meeting on 20 December 2019.  The Guide will be in full implementation on 1 April 2020. The Chinese version of the Guide will be uploaded to the Homepage of the Social Welfare Department (SWD) around mid-January 2020 while the English version will be uploaded by end of February 2020.  Please also be informed that hard copy of the Guide will NOT be printed for the sake of environmental conservation.   As the existing Procedural Guide is still in practice, it will not be removed from SWD Homepage until 1 April 2020. To facilitate related professionals to get acquainted with the revisions made, those who are now working/will work with children and families or need to know about the Guide for work are invited to ...

《2019全國藥物濫用防治研討會》匯報 —「以人為本」的戒毒服務

社聯於10月16日至18日籌辦了交流團參加於澳門舉行之《2019全國藥物濫用防治研討會》。是次會議由澳門社工局主辦,中國藥物濫用防治協會及社聯協辦。會議約有200人出席,其中50位參加者來自香港,60位來自內地,其餘為澳門同工。三地的專家學者及前線同工就著濫藥防治工作進行交流,研討禁毒政策及服務,互相學習和借鏡新型毒品的應對及解決方面。香港同工共發表了15篇論文及11個口頭報告。 是次滙報會邀請了臨床心理學分享輔導創傷個案的經驗,以及前線社工在大專院校如何用做大麻防治及輔導工作。誠意邀請 貴機構同工出席這個滙報會,交流磋商,會議詳情如下: 日期        :    2019年1月17日(星期五) 時間        :  下午2時30分至5時正 地點        :    香港灣仔軒尼詩道15號溫莎公爵社會服務大廈4樓演講廳 詳情請參閱附件,滙報會費用全免。有興趣人士,請於2020年1月10日或之前網上報名或填妥附報名表。如有查詢,請致電2876-2424或電郵  [email protected]與本會服務發展主任(家庭及社區)羅琳女士聯絡;亦可致電2864-2460或電郵[email protected]向本會項目助理徐秀芳女士查詢。多謝垂注。 附件: 程序 報名表 ...

Multi-cultural Practice Wisdom Forum—Support service for Ethnic Minority (EM) children with Special Education Needs (SEN)

The Council is committed to advocacy for racial harmony and social inclusion. We advocate equal opportunities for ethnic minorities (EM), including education, employment, welfare and etc. The government has initiated some measures of “Strengthening Support for Ethnic Minorities” to help EM to integrate into the society in recent years.  The Council is going to organize the captioned event at 2:15pm on December 3 (Tuesday) in Rm 201, 2/F., Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai. The fee is HK$50 and the enrollment deadline is November 26. Enclosed please find the program rundown and registration form for your reference.  Should there be any queries, please contact our Officer (Family & Community Service) Ms. Lynn Law via email [email protected] or phone at 2876-2424 or our project assistant Ms. Jobe Hsu via email [email protected] or phone at 2864-2460. Thank you for your attention. Rundown Registration Form Memo ...


2018年施政報告宣佈,由2019/20學年起,政府將會增加約3千萬元經常撥款,為全港家長教師會聯會及學校家長教師會提供額外資源,以舉辦更多以社區及學校為本的家長教育活動。 為促進社福機構與教育界的協作,合力推動家長教育的發展,社聯現正收集各機構會員在家長教育範疇的最新服務資料。經整理後的服務資料將上載於社聯網頁內,以供各界參閱。 現誠邀各機構於2019年9月27日前於網上 https://forms.gle/vid4FUGGnd5eohSVA 或透過QR Code提交相關資料,為方便資料整理,每間機構於每區只需提供一個服務單位的聯絡資料。 如有任何查詢,歡迎致電2876 2450與項目經理祁海詩小姐聯絡。 多謝垂注!   ...
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