中秋將至,好好社企為您呈獻由社企全人手烘焙的好好月餅,讓您與摯愛親朋共賞明月,細味美食。我們與甜蜜故事合作,首次推出「軟餐版」五仁月餅,希望為有吞嚥困難的患者和長者重拾傳統節日味道。 如欲了解更多,可瀏覽: 好好社企網站。 系列 D 甜蜜故事除了推出傳統口感的五仁月餅外,更首次推出軟餐版五仁月餅,讓有吞嚥困難的患者重拾傳統節日味道,帶來一個特別的中秋! 詳情可下載訂購表格或致電 2876 2442/ 2876 2439或電郵至 [email protected] 與職員聯絡。 ...
Seminar on Handling and Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse for EM Service Providers
In order to raise the awareness of child sexual abuse among ethnic minority (EM) groups, the Council will organize the above-mentioned Seminar at 2:15pm on Aug 19 in Room 202, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai. The Seminar will cover the definition, identification, assessment and handling of child sexual abuse. Issues including the concerns of disclosing child sexual abuse, how to protect the child victim, culturally appropriate intervention and etc. may be discussed. The registration fee is $50 and the registration deadline is August 12, 2019. Should there be any queries, please feel free to contact Ms. Lynn Law at 2876-2424 or Ms. Jobe Hsu at 2876-2460, thanks. Thank you for your attention and we look forward to your active participation. You may click to download the following: 1. Full Memo (English only) 2. Rundown (Chinese and English) 3. Enrollment form(Chinese and English) ...
NGO Treasurers’ Club Dialogue Series
HKCSS's NGO Governance Platform Project and our Strategic Partner, Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA), co-organize again the NGO Treasurers’ Club Dialogue Series to equip board members with relevant knowledge on financial governance. A series of three sessions will be held from September to November 2019. Members of HKICPA’s “CPA for NGO” programme will be the speakers. The theme of each session and the schedule are as follows: 1st session: 27 September 2019 “Understanding Management Accounts for Decision Making” 2nd session: 25 October 2019 “How to Interpret Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report” 3rd session: 29 November 2019 “Financial Planning and Budgeting” Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm Venue: Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai Quota: 30 participants / session Language: Cantonese (materials in English) Fee: HKD100 per session; HKD250 for three sessions *Certificate of attendance will be issued to participants who attended three sessions Target: Treasurers, and other board / committee members of agency members of HKCSS / The Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities, with priority to those without accounting or professional financial training background. Applicants please complete online application form(Chinese only) and return it by 11 September 2019(Wed). Accepted applicants will receive email confirmation and notice on payment arrangement by 16 September 2019 (Mon) ...
Modular Social Housing Project – Pre-qualification of Service Operator
Modular Social Housing Project is a social housing project launched by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service with the supported by the Government and the joint efforts of The Community Care Fund, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, private companies, and NGOs/social enterprises. The project adopts modular integrated construction approach to building transitional social housing on idle land available for short-term usage in an efficient, economical and environmentally friendly way. The objective of the Project is, through the provision of transitional accommodation and support services, to improve the quality of life for those who have been waiting for the public rental housing for at least 3 years while living in indecent housing units. While providing transitional social housing, the project recruits NGOs/social enterprises to manage and provide community network building and support services so as to improve residents’ social capital and develop their capacity for living independently in the community. Since we launched the Community Housing Movement, a pre-qualification mechanism has been set and maintained for all NGOs/social enterprises who are interested in operating social housing projects to apply for becoming pre-qualified operators. A related working group under HKCSS is to review these applications and all the approved ...
本會一直關注親社區發展的服務發展,與業界攜手發展相關服務,促進界別內跟不同服務範疇的交流。為整理和鞏固本地的社區工作的服務發展,本會將舉辦上述活動。 日期:2019年10月21日 時間:上午9時至下午5時 地點:香港明愛專上學院 詳情請參閱以下文件: 1) 通告全文 2) 活動流程 3) 活動海報 如有興趣參加以上研討會,請於2019年9月20日(星期五)前於網上報名。 如有任何查詢,請與本會服務發展(家庭及社區)主任陳永新先生聯絡 (電話: 2876 2466 或 電郵: [email protected])。 ...