
自「非政府機構薪酬調查」於2004年推展以來,過百間的參與機構已參與及使用此調查,在進行重要人力資源決策時,作出有訊息基礎的決定 (informed choice)。去年,共123間機構會員參與薪酬調查,估計約覆蓋業界六成人力資源。 作為機構高管及人力資源主管,你有同感嗎? 「有了數據,應該如何入手策劃自己機構的薪酬調整方案?」 「如何使用外間數據去合理演譯調整方案?」 歡迎社聯機構會員參與,瞭解如何運用調查報告的數據,在自己的機構內,演譯薪酬調整的方案。 日期: 2019年9月25日(星期三) 地點: 香港灣仔軒尼詩道15號溫莎公爵社會服務大廈 對象: 社聯會員機構資深管理同工、人力資源主管 時間: 下午4時30分至下午6時正 網上登記(座談會): 立即報名 截止日期: 2019年9月11日(星期三) 如有任何查詢,請聯絡蔣佩儀女士(2876 2434)或電郵至[email protected]。謝謝。 「非政府機構薪酬調查、非政府機構福利調查2019」簡介會 (9月25日) 由工作小組簡介是次調查之背景、目的、設計及時間表,同時誠邀各機構就調查提出意見,以便作出改善。簡介會上亦會示範如何填寫問卷。 日期: 2019年9月25日(星期三) 地點: 香港灣仔軒尼詩道15號 溫莎公爵社會服務大廈 對象: 社聯會員機構 時間: 下午2時正至下午4時正 網上登記 (簡介會): 立即報名 截止日期: 2019年9月11日(星期三)   「非政府機構薪酬調查2019」及「非政府機構福利調查2019」 已接受報名! 截止日期:2019年10月8日(星期二) 重要日程 為鼓勵更多機構參與,是年的參與機構的費用可獲豁免,而參與機構除可獲以上調查的完整報告外,更可免費出席薪酬調查發佈會。 (報導 – NGO薪酬調查2018 –了解更多細緻薪酬數據 優化機構人力資源措施) 立即報名 如有任何查詢,請聯絡蔣佩儀女士(2876 2434)或電郵至[email protected]。謝謝! 網上報名連結: 「善用薪酬調查數據演譯薪酬調整方案」座談會(9月25日) 「非政府機構薪酬調查、非政府機構福利調查2019」簡介會(9月25日) 「非政府機構薪酬調查2019」及「非政府機構福利調查2019」     ...

Invitation for proposal – Need assessment of social service support under the ‘Lift Modernization Subsidy Scheme (LIMSS)”

A ‘Lift Modernization Subsidy Scheme (LIMSS) was announced by the Chief Executive in Policy Address 2018 to encourage eligible building owners to enhance the safety of aged lifts.  A sum of HKD2.5 billion has been set aside for this project.  The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) and Development Bureau were commissioned to launch this Scheme. HKCSS has been appointed by the URA to conduct a need assessment to evaluate the potential social service needs of those affected residents under LIMSS.  HKCSS is inviting a suitable NGO partner to assist in the completion of following tasks. Assessment and report submission Sep 2019 – Feb 2020  Objectives Understand the potential social service needs of residents / communities affected by LIMSS; Based on the assessment findings, assist HKCSS to develop a social service model and identify potential community partners. Tasks Collect views from affected residents by conducting at least 4 focus groups / residents' engagement meetings and 15 in-depth case studies and interviews; Prepare full written reports of case studies and focus group meetings; Provide assistance to HKCSS to develop a social service model; Attend meetings with other stakeholders as required by the HKCSS. Organizations with strong experience in community development, cross-sectoral partnership and / ...

Election of the Executive Committee and Standing Committees (2019-2021)

The 72nd Annual General Meeting (the AGM) and election of members of the Executive Committee and Standing Committees (2019-2021) will be held on November 8, 2019 (Friday) at the Auditorium, 1/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Besides, the Executive Committee will convene an Extraordinary General Meeting (the EGM) on the same day at 2:30pm, to consider and endorse the amendments to the Constitution of HKCSS.  The AGM will be held immediately after the EGM at 3:15 pm. Details of which will be announced in early October. Nominations for the election of the following seats in the Executive Committee and Standing Committees are now invited: 8 members of the Executive Committee for serving a term of 2 years (2019-21); and  5 members of each of the four Standing Committees - Standing Committee on Service Development, Standing Committee on Policy Research and Advocacy, Standing Committee on Sector and Capacity Development and Standing Committee on Public Engagement and Partnership, serving a term of 2 years (2019-21).  According to the Constitution of the Council, every official representative of Agency Members and Life Member shall have the right to nominate eligible persons for the above elections[Note].  A nomination form, which can be duplicated ...


簡介: 社會事件引發強烈的想法和情緒,並很容易造成人際關係的衝突,輕則反目成仇,重則出手傷人。開學在即,老師和社工都擔心校園變成戰場,但遏止討論又不見效用,反而會進一步加深敵我對立。這節工作坊將會分享非暴力溝通(Nonviolent Communication)這套意識和工具,幫助老師和社工建立「做架兩」的能力,在瞬間升溫的衝突中促進立場相反的人對話。 講者: 池 (池衍昌) 非暴力溝通實踐者、Transformational Coach(國際認證教練)、正念導師。致力推動非暴力溝通,支持個人成長與轉化、組織和社群發展。   小曹   (曹文傑博士) 現職香港中文大學性別研究講師,近年醉心非暴力溝通的學習和分享。 對象:兒童及青少年服務同工及老師 日期:28.8.2019(星期三) 時間:下午3:30 - 6:00 地點:灣仔軒尼詩道15號溫莎公爵社會服務大厦202室 報名:網上報名 查詢:2864 2958 (鄧小姐) ...

List of Candidates of the Election of Members of the Specialized Committees (2019-2021)

Further to the Council’s memo on the Election of Specialized Committees (2019-21) dated July 5, 2019, please be informed that that the Election will be conducted through postal ballots. In this regard, I am pleased to enclose herewith the ballots for your action.  1.  List of Candidates of the Election of Specialized Committees (2019-2021) (With brief self-introductions provided by candidates and short accounts on their involvements in the sector of social welfare) –  Specialized Committee on Sector Finance –  Specialized Committee on Social Security and Employment Policy –  Specialized Committee on Social Development –  Specialized Committee on Family and Community Service –  Specialized Committee on Children and Youth Service –  Specialized Committee on Elderly Service   2.  Ballots for the Election of Specialized Committees (2019-2021) –  Specialized Committee on Sector Finance         (Only Official Representatives of Agency Members are eligible to vote in the above Committee.) –  Specialized Committee on Social Security and Employment Policy        –  Specialized Committee on Social Development (All Official Representatives of Agency Members and Life Members are eligible to vote in the above two Committees.) –  Specialized Committee on Family and Community Service –  Specialized Committee on Children and Youth Service –  Specialized Committee on Elderly Service  (Only Official Representatives ...
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