把握機會報名參加「講講故事 ‧ 舞動身體」!

    都市人平日生活忙碌,週末我們將為大家帶來適合一家大小的活動:「講講故事 舞動身體」!今次活動將由深受家長歡迎的菜姨姨及身體遊樂場帶領,除了齊齊分享閱讀的樂趣外,更將繪本故事延伸至身體律動中,透過身體接觸培養親密的親子時間! 這絕對是一家大小不可錯過的親子活動! 歡迎家長帶同小朋友一齊報名參加! 日期:2019年9月29日 (星期日) 時間:下午3時30分至5時30分 地點:夢創成真 (九龍荔枝角長沙灣道760號4樓C室) 對象:3-8歲的兒童及其家長 語言:粵語 費用:港幣150元 一對親子(一大一小)*               港幣80元(同行者,不論大小,每組家庭最多只可報名4位家庭成員) 名額:60人(先到先得,額滿即止) 內容:     菜姨姨(彭蔡淑玲女士),推動親子閲讀廿多年,最愛為大小朋友講故事,足跡走遍港澳兩地, 致力推廣社區閱讀文化及風氣。現兼任 「 書伴我行(香港)基金會 」 社區閱讀發展顧問,也是香港出版雙年獎顧問。近作有《菜姨姨的書櫃》、《菜園愛書》、《菜園繪本系列》、《親親孩子說故事讀出關鍵品格》及《不說道理 ‧ 只說故事菜姨姨親子共讀60招》。   身體遊樂場積極推動「律動與身體教育」 這種從個人出發的學習方式,一方面是藉著跟自己身體相處,認識自己,重拾自主,找回自己內在的節奏和規律;另一方面則是透過身體連結外在世界,用身體與別人溝通相處,更用身體去感知、思考、表達、創造。一直嘗試以不同的形式與方向推動律動與身體教育,期望愈來愈多人可以跳出屬於自己生命的舞蹈。       截止報名日期:2019年9月20日(星期五) 查詢:鄭小姐 (電話:28762430/電郵: [email protected] ) 報名:請填妥網上表格預約留位,並以支票繳交款項,成功報名人士將會收到確認電郵通知付款詳情。 備註:工作坊當日將安排拍攝及/或錄影,以作日後宣傳或其他用途。 * 每組家庭將獲贈繪本《我家來了一頭大象》乙本 * 名額恕不得轉換,已遞交的費用將不獲退還 ...

Course: Be a Certified Behavioral Consultant – DISC Certification

在以人為本的社福機構,同工的性格特質與其適合的管理方式關係密切。同時,性格特質決定了同工適合的工種及訓練,或需要的協助以達致較好的績效。研究證明性格特質甚至會影響到職業選擇、工作滿意度、受壓程度和領導行為。成為DISC專業行為分析師後,你就能夠透過分析同工的DISC測試報告,為機構人才甄選、錄用、工作種類安排及培訓方向提供可靠的策略思考。 由於DISC 簡單又準確,該系統已在國際間稱為通用的行為語言。此語言易於被廣泛受眾學習、理解和管理。自建立至今,DISC測試一直被視為是一種可靠和有效的工具。 學院以往參與此課程的同工反應正面: “分析DISC圖表可以在面試中看到更多隱藏的問題” “DISC圖表對我的專業實踐非常有用” “學習圖表繪製和解釋教識我如何‘閱讀’人” “通過各種案例研究確定DISC圖表非常實用” 10月3及4日,學院將開辦新一輪的工作坊,有興趣的同工請於9月12日前報名以享受早鳥優惠! Background Every person has distinctive characteristics and qualities, which influence their thinking, preferences and behavior. The DISC Personality System is a tool that aims to help individuals increase in effectiveness as they identify and capitalize on strengths, whilst recognizing potential limitations and blind spots DISC is a four-quadrant behavioral model based on the work of William Moulton Marston Ph.D. (1893 – 1947) to examine the behavior of individuals in their environment or within a specific situation. People with similar styles tend to exhibit specific common behavioral characteristics. All people share these four styles in varying degrees of intensity. The acronym DISC stands for the four personality styles represented by the letters: Dominant, Influencing, Steady, Compliant Objective This course is designed for those who would like to be a certified Behavioral Consultant (with a title “Certified Behaviorial Consultant” ). This 2-day workshop will prepare the participants to learn intensively and comprehensively to be qualified exponents of DISC; unlike other DISC programs that only accredit participants to learn to use the tool Proficiency Examination & Assignment Proficiency Examination The participants are required to take a multiple choice examination to ensure their understanding of the course content ...

香港銀行公會「智有『財』能教育坊」2019 – 誠邀機構參與成為支持機構(截止日期:2019年9月9日)

自2010年,香港社會服務聯會與香港銀行公會攜手舉辦「智有『財』能教育坊」,多年來,銀行公會各會員銀行的義工到全港各區合共主持99場教育坊,為低收入家庭灌輸正面理財觀念,助他們更正確地管理和運用金錢,從而達致改善家庭財政狀況的目標。有見青少年中不乏「月光族」,對於有效管理財務感到困難,由2018年開始,「智有『財』能教育坊」也開拓高中生場次,幫助低收入家庭的新一代建立健康及基本的理財觀念,有助他們負責任地消費、儲蓄和制定預算,及早規劃人生。 「智有『財』能教育坊」2019將於本年10月底起舉行,現誠邀 貴機構成為是次工作坊的支持機構。詳情如下: 服務對象: 現正領取綜援的低收入家庭之家長/成年人士/高中生 或 正使用食物銀行的家庭之家長/成年人士 或 每月家庭平均收入低於家庭收入中位數一半的非領取綜援的家庭之家長/成年人士/高中生或 經社工轉介之家長/成年人士 主要題目: 基本理財知識,包括儲蓄、消費及借貸前須知 支持機構數目: 4-5間 舉辦次數: 4-5間支持機構合共舉辦12-16場 (於2019年10月底至2020年9月期間)[即每間支持機構舉辦3-4場︰主要場次以成年人為目標,可選擇其中一場為高中生場次] 每場工作坊的參加者人數: 30 - 50人 服務區域: 低收入家庭比率較高的區域,由支持機構建議及提供場地 工作坊形式: 每場約1.5 – 2小時 於星期六(較為適合)或 星期日舉行 講座、互動遊戲及小組討論(全部由銀行公會義工帶領) 資助金額: 每間支持機構可獲得資助金額HK$18,600 – HK$24,800 提交申請: 如欲成為支持機構,請填妥附件之申請表格,並於2019年9月9日(星期一)或之前電郵至[email protected]。 {詳情請按此} 所有申請將交由香港社會服務聯會及香港銀行公會作甄選,申請結果將於2019年9月下旬或之前通知。如有查詢,歡迎致電 2876 2482(沈小姐)或 2876 2407(麥小姐)與本會職員聯絡。 ...

NGO Treasurers’ Club Dialogue Series

One of the main responsibilities of an NGO board is to provide financial oversight of its organization.  To properly discharge such duty, NGO board members must have an understanding of nonprofit financial basics.  Mastering financial literacy not only facilities directors to make sound decisions but also enables them to recognize potential warning signs. To promote good financial governance in the sector, the Project will collaborate with our Strategic Partner, the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) again to re-run the NGO Treasurers’ Club Dialogue Series. A series of three interactive workshops  will be held from September to November 2019. Professional accountants from HKICPA will be facilitators to highlight essential financial concepts in NGO context. Participants can also learn from other agencies’ financial practices. Details are as follows: 1st session: 27 September 2019 “Understanding Management Accounts for Decision Making” 2nd session: 25 October 2019 “How to Interpret Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report” 3rd session: 29 November 2019 “Financial Planning and Budgeting” Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm Venue: Central Quota: 30 participants / session Language: Cantonese (materials in English) Fee: HKD100 per session; HKD250 for three sessions*Certificate of attendance will be issued to participants who attended three sessions Target: Board / Committee members of HKCSS agency members/ The Hong Kong Joint Council ...

BOCHK Centenary Charity Programme – Open Call for Project Proposals

In celebration of the 100th anniversary of Bank of China’s service to Hong Kong, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (“BOCHK”) issued the “Bank of China (Hong Kong) Centenary Commemorative Banknote” (“Commemorative Banknote”) in 2017, receiving an enthusiastic response from the public. These net proceeds, contributed by the people and society of Hong Kong, will be devoted in full to local charitable causes through the BOCHK Centenary Charity Programme. Of the total net proceeds, HK$427 million will be used to fund projects selected through an open call for project proposals from eligible local charities (the “Programme”). For the details of the Programme, please visit https://www.bochk.com/en/aboutus/csr/centenarycharityprogram.html The Programme aims to address different social needs in the local community with a view to promoting a harmonious society and creating greater value for the community. In particular, it wishes to support projects that provide viable solutions and support for the grassroots communities, child and youth development, and elderly care. In addition, the Programme aims to encourage local charities to develop inspirational and forward-looking initiatives that address major social issues and improve the wellbeing of society in innovative ways, thus bringing about lasting and positive social impacts. BOCHK has appointed The Hong Kong Council of ...
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